

link 10.07.2011 16:43 
Subject: assisted by architecture/tender is ready to provide construct.
Всем доброго времени суток!
Не могу связать воедино данные части в предложениях, помогите понять смысл.(весь контекст ниже)

1."it will be assisted by architecture"
In term of the name change of building owner in the permit document, it will be assisted by architecture.(В случае смены заказчика строительства, .... ?)

2."the tender is ready to provide"
If necessary, the tender is ready to provide the complete documents, and the existing cost calculation for the construction (Model I and II) to acquirer as well. (При необходимости, тендер...полный комплект документов, а также существующее затраты стоимости строительства)

He has designed two models for optimal development.
For Model I consists of construction permit, which is expired. If necessary it can be reapplied.
For Model II consist of an self-contained architecture design and can be apply to the authority. All documents are ready provided for building permit.

In term of the name change of building owner in the permit document, it will be assisted by architecture.

If necessary, the tender is ready to provide the complete documents, and the existing cost calculation for the construction (Model I and II) to acquirer as well.

Заранее благодарю за любые возможные разъяснения.


link 10.07.2011 16:55 
2. tenderer is


link 10.07.2011 16:56 
1. architecture


link 10.07.2011 17:03 
Спасибо.Теперь все приобрело смысл:-)


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