

link 30.04.2011 13:28 
Subject: фрондерство

I can't seem to find this word - фрондерство - in the dictionary. Can someone explain to me what it means, please?


 Tante B

link 30.04.2011 14:12 


link 30.04.2011 14:13 
And what does it mean in Russian?


link 30.04.2011 14:22 
Apart from the historical meaning, фрондёр = недовольный человек; инакомыслящий.
Sort of a dissident. Nowadays used rarely, often ironic.


link 30.04.2011 14:25 
So then I could use 'rebelliosness '?


link 30.04.2011 14:33 
Yes, why not? Also, discontent, [political] opposition, etc. In modern usage, more along the lines of expressing malcontent rather than struggling/performing any kind of direct action. At least, that's how I see it.


link 30.04.2011 14:34 
maybe .... but based on dictionary articles (and that's my only source - never encountered it in everyday life),
it seems less about action, more about discontent and bitching ... "dissidence" - Wolv said it ... maybe also "non-conformism"

and in any case, to match the style of the original, you gotta one-step encrypt it ;) [that's prank suggestion, not knowing anything about your target audience]


link 30.04.2011 14:35 
(my response 17:34 was to question at 17:25) ... hi Wolv! :)


link 30.04.2011 14:44 
hi Mr. S. Wizard,
"never encountered it in everyday life"
Actually it's a good point. Last time I came across it, it was a few years ago, when I carelessly opened one of the great books of Alexandre Dumas, père.

 Tante B

link 30.04.2011 14:49 
*** often ironic ***
практически всегда, о показном "диссидентстве"


link 30.04.2011 15:05 
Thank you all very much for making it clear.
I will, most likely, be back with more questions. :))


link 30.04.2011 15:15 
OFF kath, you welcome! and i have a question for you if i may ;)
do you separate/emphasize "please" with comma(s)? [as in 16:28] ... always? often?


link 30.04.2011 15:20 
I think the usage of commas in English is similar to the usage of commas in Russian. I have asked numerous friends, and the consensus was that outside of a few very specific rules commas are arbitrary. I was making a slight pause, not a full stop, thus a comma above :)

 Tante B

link 30.04.2011 15:57 
kath, в копилку: был еще и глагол "фрондировать" :)


link 30.04.2011 16:16 
...никакой не инакомыслящий, а просто недовольный...совсем необязательно dissident ...слово вышло из употребления приблизительно одновременно со словом "карбонарий"...

непринципиальная оппозиция, оппозиция по мотивам личного порядка, недовольство частностями при согласии с главными установками>...."Фрондерство исстари составляло характеристическую черту наших дедушек и бабушек. Салтыков-Щедрин. "

 Tante B

link 30.04.2011 17:10 
недовольные, но отнюдь не пасмурной погодой ;)
кроме того, мы от своих пра-пра...-пра-бабушек ( а вы - от их законных супругов) не очень отличаемся


link 30.04.2011 17:32 
Frondeur ... 2.2 transf. A malcontent, an ‘irreconcilable’.

1847 Longfellow in Life (1891) II. 93 All Americans who return from Europe malcontent with their own country, we call Frondeurs. 1880 Daily Tel. 22 Sept., Are the French, then, incurable frondeurs? incorrigible revolutionists, who must attack a Minister simply because he is ‘in’?


link 30.04.2011 17:55 
Не знаю, насколько верны мои ассоциации, но фрондерство воспринимал как напускное/показное недовольство/протест (с работой на публику)


link 30.04.2011 18:32 
"closet dissident"

 Translucid Mushroom

link 1.05.2011 0:29 
I think the usage of commas in English is similar to the usage of commas in Russian.

Gee (:


link 1.05.2011 1:03 

мы в свое время называли "closet dissident" - "кухонный боксер"


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