

link 27.03.2011 19:59 
Subject: what is removed from the forests forestr.
Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести what is removed from the forests.


In developing countries, about 80% of what is removed from the forests is destined for use as an energy source.

Заранее спасибо


link 27.03.2011 20:04 
того, что вывозится из лесов (?)


link 27.03.2011 20:06 
Дословно не очень красиво. Хочется подобрать более гладкий вариант.


link 27.03.2011 20:09 
красивее не могу пока не узнаю контекста -- речь только о древесине?


link 27.03.2011 20:10 
возможно "лесных отходов" (если более широкий контекст позволяет)


link 27.03.2011 20:15 
В развивающихся странах, около 80% вывозимых лесных ресурсов ...?


link 27.03.2011 20:16 

Global production of wood amounts to 3.4 billion cubic meters a year, half of which is for woodwork and the other half for firewood. Working forests counts for 1% of the global economy and for 3% of all international commerce. Business transactions related to wood and paper are estimated at $200 billion a year. In 2005, forest products other than wood were valued at $18.5 billion. It is estimated that in developed countries alone, forests provide a living for about 600 million people. In developing countries, about 80% of what is removed from the forests is destined for use as an energy source. In other words, the wood is used primarily to cook food, while the forests in developed countries are used mainly to produce wood products and paper.


link 27.03.2011 20:23 
В развивающихся странах, около 80% вывозимых из леса ресурсов предназначено для использования в качестве источников энергии.(энергоносителей)?


link 27.03.2011 21:05 


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