

link 2.10.2010 21:24 
Subject: onset latency of 6 days after start and on the same day pharm.
68-year-old female patient with an unknown medical history, on multiple concomitant drug therapy including prednisolone, commenced an oral treatment with Х, 1 DF BID, for
hypertension. On 15 Jul 2007, the patient experienced an anaphylactic shock with an onset
latency of 6 days after start and on the same day, the suspected medication was
discontinued. As a corrective treatment she received clemastine. Patient had received
Х, 11 years earlier, (duration not specified, but not longer than 60 days).
Х исследуемый препарат, таблетки

Подскажите, пожалуйста, что то не улавливаю смысл: "anaphylactic shock with an onset latency of 6 days after start and on the same day"
и что обозначает DF?


link 2.10.2010 22:21 
единственный логический вариант:
df = dosage form (таблетка, капсула, etc.)
bid = twice a day

p.s. препарат не от бессонницы, случаем?)


link 3.10.2010 5:28 
Это аналог эналаприла
А по поводу латентного периода есть ли варианты?


link 3.10.2010 6:25 
on the 6th day after taking the medicine for hypertension, the patient went into anaphylactic shock and that medicine (which may have caused the patient to go into shock) was discontinued that day


link 3.10.2010 8:28 
Спасибо, поняла


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