

link 13.05.2010 18:45 
Subject: pile supporting plate descent polygr.
подскажите, пожалуйста, как перевести:
The pile supporting plate descends as long as the push-button is pressed.
Пластина, поддерживающая стопУ, опускается пока нажата кнопка???

почему тогда не lowering?


link 13.05.2010 20:14 
Ну, у них в языке тоже есть синонимы.


link 14.05.2010 5:05 
only the term is 'kipa" not 'stopa"

as far descends vs lowering - in my opinion to lower something means you or someone or something does lower thing down, whereas descending could be done by itself


link 14.05.2010 5:23 
Кипа обычно 'bale'


link 14.05.2010 5:27 
am freelancing at the printing factories for more than ten years, believe me "pile" is 'kipa'
there's a word "stapel" as well but it's referred more to the section of delivery and here the context is plate supporting the actual pile of product


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