

link 27.10.2009 3:15 
Subject: Помогите перевести ..Заранее спасибо
The study has demonstrated that there are inconsistencies amongst the inline analysers but 8 out of 14 of the analysers pick up a high moisture condition that can validated with modelling and calculation. There is a significant http://www.chemical.ru/catalog.html?p=2_002_012 variation in the absolute values of this high moisture condition across the analysers. This even applies to analysers of the same type e.g. TDL and panametrics i.e. at peak moisture value variance between TDL readings is 8ppm & panametrics 5 ppm. Neither is an acceptable variance looking at the ‘claimed’ measurement accuracy for both instruments. A further possible flaw seems to be that the TDL Laser is calibrated using a portable Panametric probe like the installed ones so it’s absolute value is only as a good as the panametric calibration tool at the time. According to the TDL Laser manual the calibration of the laser cell is as below


link 1.07.2011 9:26 
И такого не писала...


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