

link 16.06.2008 7:55 
Subject: Пожалуйста, посмотрите мой текст на наличие ошибок
Пожалуйста, очень прошу вас посмотреть мой текст, и если есть ошибки указать или исправить:

Animal rights.

First of all men have been using animals for food, for making fur and leather clothes. Oil and fat of some animals are used in cosmetic industry, for producing soaps, shampoos, creams and so on. Horns and tusks of animals are used for producing jewellery of ivory. Animals are kept for fun in zoos, in circuses, in safary parks and as pets at homes. They are often killed for fun, for example during hunting and safary. The are always used in military industry to test new kinds of weapon, used in space exploration. Dogs, monkeys and roadants are sent into the space with electrical wires attached to their brains. Most drugs and medicines are tested on animals. They are used in vivisection: operation on living animals. Many animals are bred specifically to contract the desease so that desease could be better understood and potential method of treatment could be found.
One of the fast growing area of medicine is genetic manipulation on animals. Nowadays, scientists are trying to grow human organs from human sells genetically engeneered animals. With the technique the hope to reconstruct organs lost an accidents. Animals are user in medical universities to do research and teach students.
The experimental animals feel pain, suffer, go blind and die prematurally преждевременно (надо уточнить по словарю как пишется). After the experiments are finished they are usually killed. Many animals are at the age of disappearing, for example tigers, lions, some kind of elephants, whales and many specious of animals and birds. It happens because every year a lot of rain forests are cut down, depriving animals of their natural environment. Poachers kill rare animals and sale their parts for using them in traditional Chinease medicine. People kill animals to decorate their homes with stuffed animals. Some animals coat in troops sometimes bite of their paws to get free.
There are people who try to protect animals from disappearing and any kinds of cruelty. They are animal rights activists. They oppose hunting, killing animals for fun, using animals in medical experiments, producing leather and fur clothes and keeping animals in captivity. They make meetings, march in the streets, write petitions and take their concerns to different courts. They break into laboratories and take away animals. They demand to stop cutting down forests.
Many celebrities are against of wearing leather and fur clothes. That’s why some top-models refused to take part in fashion shows. Activists call to buy cruelty-free-products which have never been tested on animals. Some years ago some top-models refused to attend “miss world” contest because the participants were wearing fur clothes.
I think on the one hand animals should have the same rights as people have, live in natural and be free, but on the other hand, if we don’t do any experiments on animals we will never understand completely all deseases, cosmetic and other things. I like animals and because I’m against of hunting and killing animals for fun and decorate.

Спасибо огромное!!!


link 16.06.2008 8:26 
А где перевод-то?


link 16.06.2008 8:30 
Мне переводить его не нужно, я составил его, а теперь прошу проверить грамотно ли он составлен, есть ли ошибки.


link 16.06.2008 9:33 
сколько вам лет? и для чего вам это?


link 16.06.2008 9:54 
Автор, здесь форум переводчиков, а не редакторов. Плюс у Вас слишком большой объем, чтобы кто-то взялся его корректировать бесплатно.
В двух словах - звучит не по-английски, по-русски Вы тоже пишете с ошибками. Это домашняя работа? Вы студент? Не переводческого, надеюсь, факультета?


link 16.06.2008 9:55 
Бегло - в последней фразе ошибка

"I’m against of hunting and killing animals" - "of" не надо


link 16.06.2008 9:56 
roadants = rodEnts


link 16.06.2008 9:59 
Да и вообще вот это "I'm", "don't", "can't" - у автора минимальное представление о стиле. Не говоря уж о "miss world" с маленькой буквы. Это проявление особого неуважения? :))))
Слушайте... Я знаю. Это активист какой-нибудь animal rights organisation, причем из экстремистских, решил сам что-то перевести, потому что догадывается, что переводчики за такое не возьмутся! :))))))


link 16.06.2008 10:02 
Уважаемая Lkovalskaya30, я учусь на мен. по туризму, а эту тему мне нужно подготовить к экзамену по англ., вот я и составил текст, очень прошу помочь мне.


link 16.06.2008 10:05 
Ну и текстики Вам дают... Принимайте сочувствие. Кстати, имеете полное право потребовать текста, не так сильно рассчитанного на поражение нервной системы. У Вас преподавательница из этих, что ли?


link 16.06.2008 10:11 
Anna-London, вот такая у нас препод. строгая и требовательная, поэтому и темы такие даёт, говорит, что язык знать должны:-)


link 16.06.2008 10:28 
у вас будет устный тест? это - устный топик?


link 16.06.2008 10:33 
Lkovalskaya30, да, отвечать будем устно


link 16.06.2008 10:48 
...поэтому и прошу проверить, она у нас придирается чуть ли не к каждой букве


link 16.06.2008 10:57 
к буквам придраться ей будет тяжело, зубреж делу-то может и поможет, составьте план, выпишите опорные выражения и слова (которые вам должны были дать на лекциях, и составлению тоже учили) и все, дальше дело лексического запаса и умение выражать мысли в устной форме, план - чтобы была логичность и последовательность. Так исправление ошибок ни к чему не приведет, все что будет рассказано на экзамене зависит только от вас.


link 16.06.2008 18:52 
Совет: прежде чем начать писать, составьте план своего изложения. Определитесь с темой, приведите свое суждение, дайте один-два примера, сделайте вывод, а затем переходите к следующему пункту плана. Иначе получается сумбур.

Animal rights.

First of allTHROUGHOUT THE YEARS, HUMANS men have been using animals AS THE SOURCE OF for food AND for making fur and leather clothes. Oil and ANIMAL fatS of some animals are WIDELY used in cosmetic industry IN THE MANUFACTURE OF for producing soaps, shampoos, AND SOME BEAUTY PRODUCTS creams and so on. SOME JEWELRY PRODUCERS USE horns and tusks of CERTAIN animals are usedAS RAW MATERIAL for producing jewelery of ivory. Animals are kept for PEOPLE'S fun in zoos, in circuses, in safarIy parks, and as pets at homes. ANIMALS They are often killed for fun, for example, during hunting and safarIy. MANY ANIMALS The are always used in THE military industry FOR to testING new kinds of weaponS, SPACE EXPLORATION IS ALSO NOT TO FORGET AS used in space exploration. dogs, monkeys, and rodEnts are sent into the space with electrical wires attached to their brains. Most drugs and medicines are tested on animals. ANIMALS They are used in vivisection - operationS on living ORGANISMS animals. Many animals are bred specifically to contract the A disease, so that THE disease could be better understood and A potential method of treatment could be found.
One of the fast-growing area of medicine is genetic manipulation on animals. Nowadays, scientists are trying to grow human organs from human sells genetically engineered animals . With the technique the hope to reconstruct organs lost an accidents. (what did you mean????) Animals are useD in medical universities TEACHING HOSPITALS FOR RESEARCH AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES to do research and teach students.
The experimental animals feel pain, suffer, go blind, and die prematurally PREMATURELY преждевременно (надо уточнить по словарю как пишется). After the experiments are finished they are usually killed. Many SPECIES, SUCH AS tigers, lions, some kindS of elephants, whales and many specious of animals and birds animals are ON at the VERGE OF EXTINCTION age of disappearing for example. ONE OF THE REASONS FOR THIS IS THE DESTRUCTION It happens because every year a lot of rain forests are cut down, WHICH depriveSing animals of their natural HABITAT environment. Poachers HUNT kill rare animals and SELL sale their ORGANS parts TO THE MANUFACTURERS OF for using them in THE traditional Chinease CHINESE (ASIAN ??? - to be more generic) medicine. People kill animals to decorate their homes with stuffed animals. Some animals CAUGHT IN TRAPS coat in troops sometimes bite ofF their paws to get free. (this sentence is out of place here)
There IS A NUMBER OF INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS people who try WITH THE MANDATE to protect animals from disappearing and any kinds of cruelty. TheSE PEOPLE are animal rights activists. They oppose hunting, killing animals for fun, using animals in medical experiments, producing leather and fur clothes, and keeping animals in captivity. They HOLD make meetings, DEMONSTRATIONS, AND MARCHES march in the streets, write petitions and take their concerns to different courts. SOMETIMES they break into laboratories and take away animals. They demand to stop cutting down forests.
Many celebrities JOIN THE RANKS OF THE ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS AND RAISE THEIR VOICES are against of wearing leather and fur clothes. FOR EXAMPLE, some top models refuse to take part in fashion shows THAT DISPLAY FUR COLLECTIONS. A FEW Some years ago some top models refused to attend the Miss World contest because the participants were wearing fur. clothes Activists call to buy "cruelty-free" products which have never been tested on animals.
On the one hand, I think THAT animals should have the same rights as people DO have. THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO live in A FREE AND natural ENVIRONMENT and be free, but on the other hand, if we do nOt USE any ANIMALS IN MEDICAL TRIALS experiments on animals we will never COMPLETELY understand completely all DISEASES deseases cosmetic and other things ???. I like animals and THAT'S WHY because I am against of hunting and killing animals for fun and decorating.


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