

link 2.06.2008 11:42 
Subject: cockerel line agric.
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Last year I saw a black Leghorn cockerel Hec was showing and I thought it was near the perfect bird as regards colour (it also happened to be an exceptionally good type of bird) although Hec thought its eye colour was perhaps not as red as he would prefer. This is the trade-off you have to make when breeding a cockerel line, you see to improve the eye colour to a more blood red colour you would have to sacrifice the perfect undercolour, for one that has some white in it, and also some white at the base of the tail. Hec told me he occasionally uses a pullet breeding male (that is a male with lots of white undercolour) to cross into his cockerel line to improve eye colour, maintain sheen and leg colour etc.

 alk moderator

link 2.06.2008 12:26 
всё объяснено и с картинками, в частности:
Some people do achieve this on a regular basis, but they are specialist. Hec McKenzie is one who springs to mind. Hec has a pullet line of black Pekins and a cockerel line of Black leghorn bantams. The leghorn being another yellow legged black, hence the breeding principles are the same as regards colour.

то есть у него есть линия кур и линия петухов


link 2.06.2008 13:24 


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