

link 4.12.2007 23:26 
сбивает с толку слово CONSTRAINTS в названии статьи

3D Probabilistic Inversion of Potential Fields Data using Geological Constraints

(тема -геология)- и далее оно встречается по всему тексту -привожу первый абзац статьи ниже....
может у вас есть какиенить идеи)) заранее спа)

In geological and mining exploration applications, seismic profiles as well as gravity and magnetic
data are often available. Interpreted seismic cross-sections directly provide data that can be processed
directly as geometric constraints for 3D modelling. On the other hand gravity and magnetic data
provide indirect constraints. Presently, a 3D geological model is considered as the initial state of a
constrained inverse modelling of this data. That inversion is based on an iterative method (Bosch et al.
2001), which is applied to a discrete version of the domain under study. This inversion formulation
allows separate inversion of either gravity or magnetic data or simultaneous inversion of both datasets
and tensor components of gravity and magnetic field. The final result is a probabilistic 3D geological
model. We will illustrate the method of a combined gravity and magnetic inversion with different
Irques ‎(18:29):


link 5.12.2007 0:23 
Geological Constraints
directly as geometric constraints for 3D modelling

Geological OR geometric

в контексте трехмерной модели местрождения это видимо:

geometric constraints - (прямые) геометрические ограничения

indirect constraints - неявные (косвенные) ограничения


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