

link 11.10.2007 12:27 
Subject: Federal Laws and CBRF Protocols (related to currency transactions/operations)
Ok, has anyone here got an official translation of these law and "instructions"? I am sure I can make something up, but I would rather find an official translation if anyone has it.


Federal Law № 173-FЗ "О валютном регулировании и валютном контроле"

CBRF Protocol № 113 – И «О порядке закрытия, организации работы обменных пунктов и порядке осуществления уполномоченными банками отдельных видов банковских операций и иных сделок с наличной иностранной валютой и валютой РФ, чеками (в том числе дорожными чеками), номинальная стоимость которых указана в иностранной валюте, с участием физических лиц»

CBRF Protocol № 117 – И «О порядке представления резидентами и нерезидентами уполномоченными банками документов и информации при осуществлении валютных операций, порядке учета уполномоченными банками валютных операций и оформления паспортов сделок»


link 11.10.2007 12:41 
1. FX Regulation & Control
2. Authorized banks' FX transactions (incl. travel checks) with individuals
3. FX Reporting and Accounting


link 11.10.2007 12:46 
so numbers 2 and 3 you are shortening to 2. Authorized banks' FX transactions (incl. travel checks) with individuals
3. FX Reporting and Accounting? Brillant!


link 11.10.2007 12:50 


link 11.10.2007 12:55 
i guess u need the sense, not the wordy wording, right?:)


link 11.10.2007 13:00 
again, in some sentences u may use currency instead of FX, i belie


link 11.10.2007 13:06 
currency tends to be a legal mumbo thing in english in this context, so i will probably use it. FX is more for the finance geeks. :)
also, the sense and not the wordy-wordy yes, but i wonder if it is close enough to the official translation. time to go check out Bigor's link.


link 11.10.2007 13:08 
interesting... but my law has a different name and nothing to do with Gruzia :)


link 11.10.2007 13:20 
Ok, I have decided we are going to have to use the wordy-wordy, la la la.
And advice on how to make these translations better?

Federal Law № 173-FЗ Concerning Currency Regulation and Control,

CBRF Protocol No .... Concerning the Carrying out and Organization of Currency Exchange Offices and, Authorized Currency Operations for Individuals with Checks (including travelers’ checks), the Nominal Value of which is indicated in a Foreign Currency

CBRF Protocol № 117 – I Concerning the Provision of Documents and Information by Resident and Non-resident Banks on the Performance of Currency Operations; Concerning the Currency Operations Accounting; Concerning the Formation of Transaction Passports


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