

link 7.09.2007 14:03 
Subject: белая з/п vs. серая з/п
Подскажите, плз, как это у "них" там называется


 Mr. Hyde

link 7.09.2007 14:07 
Посмотрите на варианты, предложенные на Лингво.


link 7.09.2007 14:07 

 Mr. Hyde

link 7.09.2007 14:10 


link 7.09.2007 15:43 
Thank Y!!!!!


link 7.09.2007 17:15 
И еще вот тут:


link 10.09.2007 3:03 
В прошедшую пятницу в Moscow Times как раз по теме сабжа была статья (автор Michele A. Berdy). Привожу из нее отрывок:
Salaries are оклад, заработная плата or зарплата. They also come in different colors: You may be offered белая, серая or чёрная зарплата (literally, white, gray and black salary). White is salary that is above board, officially declared, and subject to all taxes and contributions to pension and other funds. Black is salary that is paid in cash, not officially declared, with no tax or compensation fund payments. Gray is simply a mix of the two colors, so a small amount is paid officially, and a larger part is paid in cash.

The problem with these three categories is how to translate them. My financial and legal advisers in the United States call black salary "salary paid under the table" or "salary paid off the books." But what Russians call white salary is an unmarked category in U.S. practice: It's the norm, and as the norm, it doesn't have a distinguishing name. With white and gray salaries, you need to resort to descriptive translations. Практически на каждом собеседовании торжественно и с гордостью объявляли, что зарплата "белая." (At almost every job interview, they told me proudly and with great ceremony that they declared all salaries in full and paid all the requisite taxes and compensation fund contributions.) Я получил серую зарплату. (I received part of my salary off the books.)
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link 10.09.2007 10:38 
2 langkawi2006 & solidrain
Спасибо большое!


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