

link 1.08.2007 11:19 
Subject: market-to-market value vs marked-to-market value law
I see that my recent posts have not received much attention, yet I'll give it another try:


Could you please explain to me the difference between "market-to-market value" and "marked-to-market value". I would also be extremely grateful if you could provide me with translation of abovementioned terms.



link 1.08.2007 12:21 
my guess "market-to-market" is a typo, quite a common one, though :)
I don't see in what language you want the definition and/or explantion - English glossaries on the subject are abundant on the Internet, about a couple of keystrokes/or mouseclicks away. the Russian jargon for it is "приведение к рынку" (переоценка активов с учетом текущих рыночных цен). HTH


link 1.08.2007 12:22 
absentee - why don't you try and renew you posts instead on posting new messages - it saves your time and effort checking all of them instead of just one.


link 1.08.2007 12:25 
"English glossaries on the subject are abundant on the Internet, about a couple of keystrokes/or mouseclicks away." True.

The thing is, I just wanna be absolutely sure it IS a typo, because I am currently translating a multi-million loan facility agreement and, throughout the text, those two terms are abundant indeed and seemingly interchangeable they are.

Yet, u see, if those two are different in substance, by no means I want to be held accountable...


link 1.08.2007 12:26 
"why don't you try and renew you posts instead on posting new messages" - 'cause I dunno any other means of renewing them except by writing something in, which I believe is not a good thing to do.


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