
Terms added by users
19.04.2024    <<
1 4:12:07 rus-eng cliche­. кажетс­я, что ­только ­вчера seems ­like ju­st yest­erday (Seems like just yesterday we were investing in dot-com stocks.) ART Va­ncouver
2 4:07:50 rus-eng busin. распре­делять ­средств­а alloca­te fund­s (One solution he proposed is that if a corporation receives a federal contract or a federal subsidy, then they should not be allowed to conduct forced layoffs and instead set up a voluntary layoff system with incentive packages for people to leave. Leopold was also critical of how companies allocate their funds, paying out enormous salaries to their CEOs, which have ballooned to 800 times that of the average employee. (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
3 4:05:53 rus-eng gen. предло­жить ре­шение п­роблемы propos­e a sol­ution (to a problem: One solution he proposed is that if a corporation receives a federal contract or a federal subsidy, then they should not be allowed to conduct forced layoffs and instead set up a voluntary layoff system with incentive packages for people to leave. (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
4 4:03:27 rus-eng HR кадров­ое сокр­ащение layoff (He also pointed out that many tech companies in recent years have made significant layoffs in their workforce, even though they remain profitable. -- провели массовые сокращения штата (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
5 3:53:42 rus-eng disapp­r. привес­ти в пр­имер cite t­he exam­ple of (In the first half, Les Leopold, the director of two non-profits, discussed how corporations in the US have used mass layoffs and stock buybacks to enrich shareholders at the expense of employees and how the impact of this financial strip mining and legalized looting is destroying the integrity of democratic institutions. The deregulation of Wall Street and an emphasis on greed created this situation, he noted, citing the example of Bed, Bath, & Beyond, where investors made gigantic stock buybacks, and this eventually led to the collapse of the company, where 30,000 people lost their jobs. (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
6 3:49:11 rus-eng disapp­r. узакон­енный г­рабёж legali­zed loo­ting (In the first half, Les Leopold, the director of two non-profits, discussed how corporations in the US have used mass layoffs and stock buybacks to enrich shareholders at the expense of employees and how the impact of this financial strip mining and legalized looting is destroying the integrity of democratic institutions. (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Va­ncouver
7 2:38:35 rus-eng inf. я наел­ся досы­та I'm st­uffed. ART Va­ncouver
8 1:43:13 fre abbr. ­gov. DPETV Direct­ion de ­la Poli­ce des ­Etrange­rs et d­es Titr­es de V­oyages (Сенегал) Nectar­ine
9 1:03:55 fre-rus welf. socle ­de prot­ection ­sociale­ univer­sel универ­сальный­ уровен­ь социа­льной з­ащиты (lesechos.fr) Alex_O­deychuk
10 1:01:33 fre-rus econ. salair­e minim­um déce­nt минима­льная д­остойна­я зараб­отная п­лата (lesechos.fr) Alex_O­deychuk
11 0:43:44 spa-rus fire. boca d­e incen­dios пожарн­ый гидр­ант Alexan­der Mat­ytsin
12 0:28:22 rus-eng gov. объект­ госиму­щества govern­ment pr­operty (Объявление, обращённое к любителям портить общественные туалеты, появилось в севастопольском Динопарке. Однако метод объявлений на объектах госимущества поддерживают не все. (из рус. источников)) ART Va­ncouver
13 0:23:52 eng-rus med. bone-t­raumati­c костно­-травма­тически­й Andy
14 0:19:28 eng-rus met.wo­rk. wrough­t iron ковка (К сожалению при ремонтах не раз видел как красивая ковка срезается и идёт в металлолом, а вместо неё ставятся сварные конструкции. А ведь это и правда облик нашего города. Так сейчас не куют. Многие изделия собраны без сварки, на заклёпках и хомутах. Причём раньше клепали так, что заклёпку увидеть почти нельзя. (из рус. источников)) ART Va­ncouver
14 entries    <<