

link 18.02.2019 17:50 
Subject: As such gen.
помогите плиз перевести As such в след. контексте -

Under FOB contracts, the ownership and the risk over the cargo are transferred to the buyer at the loading port. **As such, destination clauses, diversion clauses and profitsharing mechanisms under FOB LNG SPAs, or where a destination is changed only after title and risk have been transferred to the buyer, may be argued to have anticompetitive effects

в этой связи?
вследствие чего?
в силу этого, и т.п.



link 18.02.2019 18:25 
'As such' here = 'Because of this', ie because they're transferred to the buyer at the loading port.


link 18.02.2019 18:44 
thank you very much!! your comments are very helpful as always


link 18.02.2019 18:53 
Еще, так поднимаете вверх правую руку, сотрясаете кистью с выставленным на общее обозрение указательным пальцем и на развороте на левой ноге произносите, чеканя слоги - "А-зна-чит! " - и понеслась мысль вдаль...


link 18.02.2019 19:08 
leka11: '(Because of this/Given that this is the case), destination clauses etc ...... may be argued to have anticompetitive effects'.

That's the sense of it here, although 'as such' can have other (different) meanings in different contexts.


link 19.02.2019 8:17 
Re: 'as such' can have other (different) meanings

Sure! This much I know)))


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