

link 16.02.2019 14:31 
Subject: protection to activities which have an effect similar to expropriation - опечатка? gen.
помогите разобраться, плиз

такое впечатление, что в тексте опечатка

d. Whether the countries’ International Investment Agreements grant protection to activities which have an effect similar to expropriation (protection against indirect expropriation

по смыслу должно быть - grant protection *against* activities which have an effect similar to expropriation

такие меры обычно и называют "indirect expropriation"
("The measures taken by the State have a similar effect to
expropriation .....and are generally termed “indirect”, “creeping”, or “de facto” expropriation")

права ли я?


 Amor 71

link 16.02.2019 15:08 
Возможно. А если там должно быть "for"? В этом случае смысл совсем противоположный.


link 16.02.2019 16:12 
Это не опечатка, а кто-то ошибся в предлоге, имхо (падежов не соблюдают...).
А по смыслу -- "защиту от"...


link 16.02.2019 18:36 
спасибо, видимо, ошибка
т.е. от экспроприации защита обеспечивается, а от мер иного рода, но с такими же последствиями, может и не быть

заказчику надо будет указать на это


link 16.02.2019 21:28 
In theory you can say either:

* 'to grant protection to activities' (to enable them to take place), or
* 'to grant protection against activities' (to protect s.o. against them taking place),

as both are grammatically correct. Whether it should be 'to' here or 'against', depends purely on your Agreement and what it's trying to achieve – whether it views activities such as expropriation as a positive (desirable) thing, or a negative (undesirable) thing.

However, if you look up International investment agreement in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_investment_agreement) and search through it for the word 'expropriation', you'll find that it says:

"Provisions on compensation for losses incurred by foreign investors as a result of expropriation or due to war and strife usually also form a core part of [international investment agreements and similar agreements]."

This suggests that, as you say, your text should read 'protection against' and not 'protection to'.


link 17.02.2019 12:29 
thank you! my text is not an IIA, but given the broader context (previous documents, etc), it should read 'protection against'


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