

link 29.08.2018 18:20 
Subject: Накидки на автомобильное сидение auto.

Клиент продает накидки на сидения такого плана https://www.google.lv/search?safe=off&biw=1473&bih=580&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=3NyGW-f4GYGusAH58amABw&q=%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5+%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BA%D0%B8&oq=%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5+%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BA%D0%B8&gs_l=img.3...3802.6838.0.7030.

Эти накидки можно надевать поверх чехлов. Возник затык с переводом. Изначально использовали seat covers, этот термин используется и для чехлов, теперь нужно разграничить чехлы и накидки. Я предложила вариант seat cushions. Может подскажете какие-то другие варианты? Заранее большое спасибо.


link 29.08.2018 18:26 
car seat cover


link 29.08.2018 18:35 
по картинкам не очень понятно, чем накидки от чехлов строго отличаются -- есть подозрение, что этим "терминам" в русском присуще некоторое пересечение (и соотв-но путаница)

но можно так попробовать:
чехлы = covers
накидки = pads


link 29.08.2018 19:58 
Как вариант: car seat saver


link 29.08.2018 20:00 
There's some overlap in English also: 'car seat covers' is occasionally used to refer to the fixed material forming part of the seat (чехлы), but usually refers to the additional, loose material that some car owners put on top of these to protect them (накидки). However, you can distinguish clearly between the two by using:

* 'car seat upholstery' for чехлы
* 'protective car seat covers' or just 'car seat covers' for накидки.


link 29.08.2018 20:01 
Или: car seat protector


link 29.08.2018 20:14 
Yes. 'car seat protectors' is just as good as 'covers' for накидки, if not slightly better.

'car seat saver' sounds a bit too commercial for me though – the sort of word you'd expect to find in a brand name or in advertising.

 Amor 71

link 29.08.2018 20:30 
чехол - cover. Он в основном натягивается на сидение, но не в этом суть. Его задача - или скрыть испорченную поверхность сидения, или сохранить новенькой как можно дольше.

накидка - pad или mat, или cushion в зависимости от функции. Pad - для того, чтобы попа со спиной не болели. Mat - чтобы сиденье не пачкалось. Cushion - для комфорта. Но строгих раграничений нет.

 Amor 71

link 29.08.2018 20:32 


link 31.08.2018 19:31 
You wouldn't normally sit on a mat, unless you were sitting on the floor. Mats go either on the floor, or on the top of a piece of furniture such as a table, to protect it from crockery, cutlery etc. They don't normally go on car seats (or any other type of seat), though.


link 31.08.2018 19:41 
ходил в магаз давеча, по другим вопросам. FWIW, там были cushions и covers ... pads-ов (или mats-ов) замечено не было.
(место действия - северная америка.)

 Amor 71

link 31.08.2018 20:08 


link 31.08.2018 20:32 
касаемо меня и 22:41, мопед не мой, а на ебай я не ходил
так что пусть johnstephenson комментирует эти маты, он в том езыке нейтив ;)


link 31.08.2018 20:55 
Amor: What are they? They're unusual uses of the word.

Almost all of the 'mats' shown there are either for pets or for very small children – to prevent them putting their dirty feet on the car seat or the back of it. (Feet - floor - geddit?). They're to protect the seats from small children's feet and animals' paws!

If you say 'mat' to the average English-speaker, 95% of them will think either "Matthew" or "It's something on the floor that I walk on/wipe my feet on". A few will think of table mats, beer mats etc. But almost no-one will think, "Oh, it's something that goes on a car seat!"

If the asker's passage is specifically about covers to protect car seats from pets or very small children with dirty feet – fine. Otherwise, use something like 'covers' or 'protectors' or 'padded [sths]' (depending on the exact purpose), if you want to be understood.

 Amor 71

link 31.08.2018 22:24 
"накидки на сидения" is something that you put on the top of your sit as opposite to чехoл which in general wraps over the sit. Covers it. When asker asked about "накидки на сидения" he didn't specify what is the purpose of it.

///They're to protect the seats from small children's feet and animals' paws! ////
Not exactly. They also drop food, spill drinks and even pee on the sits.
And what about this?
A small flat piece of material used to protect a surface from anything hot or rough; a coaster.
They put mats on the table during mealtimes.

But that's OK. I know people in England do not speak proper English.


link 1.09.2018 0:41 
Car seat covers
(как было сказано выше)
Padded seat covers
(если более конкретно)



link 1.09.2018 12:14 

** Not exactly. They also drop food, spill drinks and even pee on the sits.**
That would usually be something like 'seat protectors' or 'protective covers' or 'seat covers', not 'mats'.

** A small flat piece of material used to protect a surface from anything hot or rough; a coaster. They put mats on the table during mealtimes. **
That's what I said at 22:31! And a 'coaster' is the same thing as a 'table mat'/'beer mat' – see my comments at 22:31 and 23:55.

** I know people in England do not speak proper English. **
Very good! (BTW, it's 'the seats', not 'the sits'....)


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