

link 17.08.2018 18:25 
Subject: выявлены отдельные недостатки в части осуществления контроля за функционированием средств защиты bank.
[Из результатов аудиторской проверки одного банка:]

Кроме того, выявлены отдельные недостатки в части осуществления контроля за функционированием средств защиты от вредоносного кода на рабочих станциях...

Besides (in addition), we discovered that the Bank did not exercise proper control over the functioning of malware protection systems on work stations...


Вот, кстати, к вопросу с соседней ветки: как это переведет переводческая программа?..


link 17.08.2018 18:41 
да нет никакого "вопроса" в соседней ветке -- там толстый (примитивный и очевидный) вброс с иными намерениями


link 17.08.2018 18:42 
Additionally, ...


link 17.08.2018 18:44 
Ну, намерения понятны.

...выявлены - we have found that...


link 17.08.2018 19:39 
You've obviously paraphrased it and added 'in addition', 'we' and 'on work stations', but I'm assuming there's a good reason for that.

'Shortcomings' is a good word to use here:

'In addition1 we (discovered/found)2 (certain/specific) shortcomings in the way the (bank/Bank) (exercises/exercised)3 control over the functioning of malware protection systems on workstations4 '

1  'besides' is slightly more informal than 'in addition', so I would play safe here and say 'in addition'.
2  or 'have (discovered/found)', depending on the tense.
3  depending on the tense.
4  Most people tend to write 'workstations' as one word nowadays when it refers to computers, although 'work stations' (as two words) will be clearly understood.


link 18.08.2018 16:55 
Thank you. As for "рабочие станции", it's obviously a blue print from workstations which means "рабочие места".


link 18.08.2018 17:12 


link 18.08.2018 18:12 
"In addition,.." would be perfect, as suggested by johnstephenson.
You can also use "Furthermore,.." or "Moreover,.."


link 18.08.2018 20:30 


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