
 Mr. Wolf

link 11.11.2017 14:54 
Subject: To ensure resiliency of space systems - это укрепление жизнеспособности космических систем? gen.
Контексты: 1) As part of such efforts, the two governments will ensure the resiliency of their space systems and enhance space situational awareness cooperation. Т. е. в рамках этих усилий правительства двух стран будут укреплять жизнеспособность космических систем и расширять сотрудничество в сфере операционного понимания ситуации в космосе.

2) ...ensuring the resiliency of relevant space systems that are critical for mission assurance. In cases where their space systems are threatened, the Self-Defense Forces and the United States Armed Forces will cooperate, as appropriate, in mitigating risk and preventing damage. If damage occurs, they will cooperate, as appropriate, in reconstituting relevant capabilities.


link 11.11.2017 15:17 
я бы сказал — обеспечение

 Mr. Wolf

link 11.11.2017 15:47 


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