
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing wrong | all forms | exact matches only
be in the wrongпоступить неправильно (Val_Ships)
be in the wrongдать маху (to be in error Val_Ships)
be in the wrongсовершить ошибку (He knew he was in the wrong but refused to concede the point. Val_Ships)
be in the wrong place at the wrong timeнеудачное стечение обстоятельств (I always get into trouble but it isn't my fault Val_Ships)
breath wrongне так посмотреть (Jimmy: What sets you off? Sean: Anything. Everything. Somebody bumping me. Somebody saying some shit. Somebody breathing wrong. When it happens, I just snap. And then everything goes white. I don't even know what the fuck happened until it's all over. Can you make it stop? – Shrinking, TV series Taras)
don't get me wrongследует чётко понимать (как и я; Don't get me wrong – we're glad to have a couple of star players – but it's the team that wins games. Val_Ships)
don't get me wrongне следует заблуждаться (на мой счёт; Don't get me wrong, I like Carol, I just think she has some irritating habits. Val_Ships)
figure wrongошибаться (I think maybe you figured wrong Taras)
fire into the wrong flockпопасть пальцем в небо
go wrongпойти не так, как надо (Everything about this party has gone wrong. Val_Ships)
go wrongпойти вкривь и вкось (fail to work properly or as expected Val_Ships)
on the wrong tackне так как надо (astray Val_Ships)
on the wrong tackне так, как следует (His line of questioning began on the wrong tack. Val_Ships)
pull the wrong pig by the tailобвинять не того, кого следует
pull the wrong pig by the tailнапасть на ложный след
that's the wrong way to talk to someoneвзять не верный тон (Maggie)
wrong timingне вовремя (Val_Ships)