
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing thread | all forms | exact matches only
cog threadзубчатая нить (подтяжка лица medcraveonline.com Kudil)
mono threadгладкая нить (для подтяжки кожи: Mono threads are smooth without barbs and are anchored to a point on the face or the scalp. medcraveonline.com Kudil)
screw threadспиральная нить (для подтяжки лица: Screw threads have one or two intertwined threads around the needle and provide good volume restoration to sunken areas of the skin. medcraveonline.com Kudil)
suspension threadsподвешивающие нити (применяются для подтяжки тканей лица ННатальЯ)
thread liftнитевой лифтинг (A thread lift is a procedure that uses a dissolvable suture to tighten and lift your skin. / Another variation is the thread lift, in which a square stitch is placed from one nostril to the other and down to the peaks of the Cupid's bow. ovb3832)
Thread Liftingтредлифтинг (Saffron)