
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing smoke | all forms | exact matches only
blow smokeвтирать очки (В.И.Макаров)
blow smokeзаниматься отводом глаз (to state something in a way that conceals the truth: She is a master at blowing smoke. She belongs in government.)
blow smokeзаниматься очковтирательством (to intentionally mislead: I think they're blowing smoke about giving regular raises to their employees – I couldn't find any evidence to support that claim. 4uzhoj)
blow smokeпускать пыль в глаза (exaggerate or say things that are not true, usually to make oneself look better В.И.Макаров)
blow smoke at oneselfпитать иллюзии (Fesenko)
blow smoke up assговорить то, что собеседник хочет услышать (как правило, лесть или ложь NGGM)
blow smoke up skirtгрубо льстить (VLZ_58)
blow smoke up skirtговорить неискренне (VLZ_58)
disappear like smoke in the windразвеяться как дым по ветру (Taras)
disappear like smoke in the windисчезнуть (Taras)
disappear like smoke in the windразвеяться как дым (Taras)
go up in smokeзагреметь под фанфары (VLZ_58)
go up in smokeне дать никаких результатов (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeокончиться провалом (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeрухнуть (о планах Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeсорваться (о планах Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeокончиться пшиком (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeне увенчаться успехом (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeлететь в тартарары (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeтерпеть фиаско (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeпотерпеть неудачу (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeпотерпеть провал (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeполететь к черту (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeполететь в тартарары (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeпропадать даром (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeполететь к чертям собачьим (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeполететь к чертям (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeтерпеть провал (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeтерпеть неудачу (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeпотерпеть фиаско (Andrey Truhachev)
go up in smokeпровалиться (Andrey Truhachev)
put that in your pipe and smoke itнамотать себе это на ус
it's all just smoke and mirrorsдля отвода глаз (Telecaster)
smoke and mirrorsполитические заявления или риторика, направленные на то, чтобы ввести людей в заблуждение (Taras)
smoke and mirrorsобман и дымовая завеса (The accounting department used a system of smoke and mirrors to hide their illegal activities – Бухгалтерский отдел использовал систему обмана и дымовой завесы, чтобы скрывать свою незаконную деятельность Taras)
smoke and mirrorsзапудривание мозгов (The cost of adding multiple Level II chargers could be prohibitive, if the service to the building(s) is already close to being maxed out. I've owned two EV, and likely not again anytime soon. Forget about it. It's all smoke and mirrors. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
smoke and mirrorsпыль в глаза (Баян)
smoke and mirrorsочковтирательство (Definition: something that seems good but is not real or effective and that is done especially to take attention away from something else that is embarrassing or unpleasant (Merriam-Webster): The cost of adding multiple Level II chargers could be prohibitive, if the service to the building(s) is already close to being maxed out. I've owned two EV, and likely not again anytime soon. Forget about it. It's all smoke and mirrors. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
smoke and mirrorsвешать лапшу на уши (The cost of adding multiple Level II chargers could be prohibitive, if the service to the building(s) is already close to being maxed out. I've owned two EV, and likely not again anytime soon. Forget about it. It's all smoke and mirrors. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
smoke and mirrorsотвод глаз (Yeldar Azanbayev)
smoke-and-mirrorпускать пыль в глаза (vlad-and-slav)
the smoke makes my eyes smartу меня болят глаза от дыма (Пособие "" Tayafenix)
there's too much smoke not to be fireнет дыма без огня (Trump and his staff have already shown a great propensity for covering up and there's just too much smoke not to be fire. Unicorn)
vanish in a puff of smokeисчезнуть (Taras)
watch one's smokeпоминай как звали (and then watch his smoke. ART Vancouver)
watch one's smokeищи-свищи (and then watch his smoke. ART Vancouver)
watch smokeсмотри как быстро всё будет сделано (Yeldar Azanbayev)
watch smokeзасекай (Yeldar Azanbayev)
watch smokeты и охнуть не успеешь (Yeldar Azanbayev)
watch smokeсёки сюда (Yeldar Azanbayev)
where there is smoke, must be fireнет дыма без огня (dms)
where there's smoke, there's fireнет дыма без огня (Баян)