
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing sense | all forms | exact matches only
a dog's sense of smell NOT scent of a dog which is запах собакинюх собаки (Maggie)
in every sense of the wordв полном смысле этого слова (And you'll find him at his best, in every sense of the word. Val_Ships)
in the best sense of the wordв лучшем смысле этого слова (Val_Ships)
make senseбыть уместным (Val_Ships)
make senseбыть приемлемым (Val_Ships)
make senseприобретать смысл (and begin to make sense Val_Ships)
make senseбыть рациональным (His attitude doesn't make sense. Val_Ships)
sense of lossощущение утраты (Val_Ships)
sense of superiorityощущение превосходства (the belief that you are better than other people Val_Ships)
sense of superiorityчувство превосходства (His success has given him a false sense of superiority. Val_Ships)
spidey senseчутье, интуиция, "шестое чувство" (JustSaying)