
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ruler | all forms | exact matches only
horizontal rulerгоризонтальная линейка (A bar marked off in units of measure (such as inches) that is displayed across the top of the document window)
ruler guide markerмаркёр направляющей линейки (A marker in the ruler that aligns with the current guide position and enables users to add, edit, or delete a guide from within the ruler)
ruler markделение линейки (A mark on the vertical or horizontal ruler that shows a unit or subunit of the measurement unit that is used for the publication)
ruler subdivisionпромежуточные деления линейки (The division between grid lines and between intervals of the ruler)
vertical rulerвертикальная линейка (A bar displayed along the left side of a document window. You can use the vertical ruler to adjust the top and bottom page margins and the row height in tables)