
Terms for subject Microsoft containing party | all forms | exact matches only
dependent partyзависимая сторона (A party who assumes a dependent role when it participates in a relationship with another party)
party enlistmentприкрепление стороны (The mechanism that ties a party to a role. Enlisting a party in a role enables the orchestration to interact with the party)
relying partyпроверяющая сторона
relying party applicationприложение проверяющей стороны (microsoft.com bojana)
relying party authorization error messageсообщение об ошибке авторизации проверяющей стороны (microsoft.com bojana)
relying party trustотношения доверия с проверяющей стороной (microsoft.com bojana)
relying party trustотношение доверия с проверяющей стороной (A trust object created to maintain the relationship with a Federation Service or application that consumes claims from this Federation Service)
third partyсторонний производитель (A company that manufactures and sells accessories or peripherals for use with a major manufacturer's computer or peripheral, usually without any involvement from the major manufacturer)
third-party dependenciesзависимости сторонних разработчиков (Alex_Odeychuk)
third-party driverсторонний драйвер (A driver created or provided by an entity outside Microsoft (distributed by a developer or an OEM))
third-party libraryбиблиотека стороннего производителя (Alex_Odeychuk)
third-party logistics3PL-оператор (A party that provides logistics services to customers)
third-party platformsплатформы сторонних поставщиков (Alex_Odeychuk)
third-party sealсертификат третьей стороны
third-party updateобновление стороннего поставщика (An update published by a company other than Microsoft)
trading partyторговый партнёр (An entity that is at the root level of a trading partner management (TPM) solution. Each participating organization in an ongoing business relationship, and any single business entity that is running BizTalk Server and sending or receiving messages to or from any other party, is a trading party)
we respect your privacy settings on third-party networksмы учитываем параметры конфиденциальности сторонних социальных сетей (Outlook.com Wave 6)