
Terms for subject Informal containing make off | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
he made offдрала (as pred academic.ru)
make a buck off foreignersбомбить фирму (Он теперь бомбит одну английскую фирму, а менеджер пока не понял, что он бездарный работник. He's making a buck off an English firm, since the manager still hasn't figured out that he's a lousy worker.; работать на иностранной фирме to work for a foreign firm (in Russian literally "to bomb the firm"))
make a whole bunch of money off itзаработать целую кучу денег на этом (ART Vancouver)
make money off the clientзаработать деньги на клиенте (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
make offсмыть (with)
make offретироваться (impf and pf; go or run away in haste)
make offтика́ть
make off withсмыть
make offшаркнуть
make offдра (imp only)
make offретироваться
make offподрать
make off as fast as one canрвануть ("We went off as fast as we could to get away from that debris," Robinson said. // "And then we were off as fast as we could, heading for the Vietnam border," he says. // Then we made off as fast as we could down a side road to the left into a bit of a hollow. 4uzhoj)
make off withутащить
make off withутащиться
make off withразворовывать
make off withразворовать
make off withутаскиваться
make off withутаскивать
make off withунести
make off withунестись
make off withуносить
make off withуволакивать
make off withуноситься
make off withуволочься
make off withуволакиваться
make off withнаблудить
make off with the moneyисчезнуть с деньгами (Andrey Truhachev)
make off with the moneyудрать с деньгами (Andrey Truhachev)
make off with the moneyсбежать с деньгами (Andrey Truhachev)
make off with the moneyскрыться с деньгами (Andrey Truhachev)