
Terms for subject Microsoft containing group | all forms | exact matches only
ACS rule groupгруппа правил ACS (A named set of rules that define which claims are passed to a relying-party application)
actions groupпанель команд (A set of commands on the actions pane that are grouped together logically with a label that characterizes the type of command. For example, the commands with the label "New" in the example below constitute an actions group)
Active Directory Group Discovery methodметод обнаружения групп Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for the group memberships of computers and users by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Active Directory group validationпроверка группы Active Directory (A procedure that ensures the uniqueness of the account name of a group within a domain stored in Active Directory)
Active Directory Security Group Discovery methodметод обнаружения групп безопасности Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for security group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Active Directory System Group Discovery methodметод обнаружения системных групп Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Add state groupДобавить группу состояний (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
administrator role groupгруппа ролей администраторов (A universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. These administrative rights are specified by built-in management roles, which are part of the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model in Exchange Server 2010)
Administrators groupгруппа "Администраторы" (On a local computer, a group whose members have the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
Admins groupгруппа администраторов
Advanced Group Policy Managementрасширенное управление групповыми политиками (An extension to the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) that provides change control and enhanced management for Group Policy objects (GPOs))
advanced group policy managementрасширенное управление групповыми политиками (ssn)
affinity groupтерриториальная группа (A geographical grouping of a customer's hosted service deployments and storage accounts within Windows Azure. An affinity group can improve service performance by locating computer workloads in the same datacenter or near the target user audience)
an option group contains a set of option buttons, check boxes, or toggle buttonsГруппа переключателей содержит набор кнопок, флажков или выключателей. (Access 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
Application Basic Groupосновная группа приложения (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
asset groupГруппа ОС (A collection of assets that share one or more specific characteristics)
availability groupгруппа доступности (ssn)
availability group listenerпрослушиватель группы доступности (ssn)
batch groupгруппа пакетов (A group of batch jobs. An administrator can determine which application object server (AOS) runs the jobs, and how many jobs an AOS runs)
BizTalk Application Users Groupгруппа пользователей приложения BizTalk (The group of users who can access MessageBoxes for a particular BizTalk Group)
BizTalk groupгруппа BizTalk (A group that contains MessageBoxes, hosts, receive locations, send ports, send port groups, orchestrations, servers, and adapters)
budget groupбюджетная группа (A set of financial dimension values in a budget dimension hierarchy that is used to calculate aggregate budget funds allocated to superordinate financial dimension values by summing budget funds allocated to subordinate financial dimension values)
built-in groupвстроенные группы
built-in role groupвстроенная группа ролей (A role group that ships by default as opposed to a customized role group that a admin would customize specifically for the needs of their organization Rori)
built-in role groupвстроенная группа ролей (A role group that ships by default as opposed to a customized role group that a admin would customize specifically for the needs of their organization)
capture groupгруппа записи (" In regular expressions, an expression of the form "(subexpressionaafe202a-1d96-4b36-a270-d676dfd3c51c)" or "\(subexpressionaafe202a-1d96-4b36-a270-d676dfd3c51c \)" which matches the sequence of characters in the target sequence that is matched by the pattern between the delimiters.")
challenge groupгруппа ожидания проверки подлинности (The group that consists of requests/connections awaiting authentication)
Change the selected sparkline group to a column sparkline.Изменение выделенной группы спарклайнов на спарклайн-гистограмму (Office System 2010, Office System 2013 Rori)
child host groupдочерняя группа узлов (A host group contained within another host group, which can inherit host reserve settings and virtual machine permissions from its parent host group. All host groups are child host groups of the root host group, which is named All Hosts by default)
choice groupгруппа выбора (A control that is used to present a set of mutually exclusive choices. By default, a choice group contains two choice sections, one of which appears to the user as the default choice in the form)
Clear Groupочистить группу (An item on the group context menu in the contact list that removes all members of the Recent Contacts group)
code groupгруппа кода (A logical grouping of code that has a specified condition for membership)
computed groupвычисляемая группа (A group whose membership is automatically determined and kept up to date by ILM by ensuring that the group contains all the resources (such as people, groups, computers) that fall within the conditions that are expressed using XPath)
computed group memberчлен вычисляемой группы (A member of a group whose membership is dynamically calculated by a defined filter)
computer groupгруппа компьютеров (A collection of computers with some attribute in common. Computer groups are defined by computer grouping rules for similar event management)
configuration groupконфигурационная группа (The list of components in a bill of materials (BOM) that are to be used together to produce a parent item)
contact groupгруппа контактов (A collection of e-mail addresses that is treated as a single recipient for e-mail distribution purposes, and that is created by and available to an individual Outlook user)
container groupгруппа контейнеров (Alex_Odeychuk)
control groupгруппа элементов управления (A set of controls that are conceptually or logically related. Controls that are conceptually related are usually viewed together but do not necessarily affect each other. Controls that are logically related affect each other)
conversation groupгруппа сообщений (A group of related Service Broker conversations. Messages in the same conversation group can only be processed by one service program at a time)
Convert the selected group to a leaf nodeПреобразование выбранной группы в листовой узел (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Create New GroupСоздать новую группу (A menu item that creates a new group for the user's Contacts list)
custom groupнастраиваемая группа (An item of a custom group field. A custom group contains two or more items from a row or column field)
data groupгруппа данных (A defined set of data that is synchronized)
database availability groupгруппа обеспечения доступности баз данных (A group of up to 16 Mailbox servers that host a set of databases and provide automatic database-level recovery from failures that affect individual servers or databases)
Database Availability GroupsГруппы обеспечения доступности баз данных (DAG microsoft.com bojana)
Deferrals group does not match tax deferrals book.Группа расходов будущих периодов не отвечает книге налогов по расходам. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
delayed group callгрупповой звонок с задержкой (A group call that first rings the group owner, and then after a specified number of seconds rings the call group in addition to the group owner)
Delete a Groupудалить группу (A menu item that removes a group and its contacts from the user's Contacts list)
Delete GroupУдалить группу (A menu item that removes a group and its contacts from the user's Contacts list)
Delete Group and Contactsудалить группу и контакты (An item on the right-click menu for a group that removes the selected group and its contacts from the user's contact list)
Delete state groupУдалить группу состояний (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Depreciation Group Listсписок групп амортизации (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
destination configuration groupцелевая конфигурационная группа
device groupгруппа устройств (A collection of devices that are grouped together for convenience of administration. Devices can be grouped together if they have similar characteristics such as device vendor or device location. This helps effectively manage several devices at one time, instead of individually)
discovered groupобнаруженная группа (Any computer group found by Operations Manager)
discussion groupгруппа обсуждений (A forum on the Internet for discussions on a specified range of subjects)
distribution groupгруппа рассылки (A collection of users, computers, contacts, and other groups that is used only for e-mail distribution, and addressed as a single recipient)
distribution point groupгруппа точки распространения (A set of distribution points that you can manage as a single entity. A distribution point group simplifies management tasks when a site includes too many distribution points to manage individually)
domain local groupлокальная группа домена
DPMDBReaders groupгруппа DPMDBReaders (A group, created during DPM installation, that contains all accounts that have read-only access to the DPM database. The DPMReport account is a member of this group)
dynamic distribution groupдинамическая группа рассылки (A distribution group that uses recipient filters and conditions to derive its membership at the time the message is sent)
Enhanced Group Management Libraryбиблиотека расширенного управления группами (Andy)
filtered groupотфильтрованная группа (A local security group that is removed from an access token. When User Account Control (UAC) creates the filtered access token, the filtered groups are removed. Rori)
filtered groupотфильтрованная группа (A local security group that is removed from an access token. When User Account Control (UAC) creates the filtered access token, the filtered groups are removed)
fixed asset groupгруппа основных средств
global groupглобальная группа (A security or distribution group that can contain users, groups, and computers from its own domain as members. Global security groups can be granted rights and permissions for resources in any domain in the forest)
group accountучётная запись группы (A collection of user accounts in a workgroup, identified by group name and personal ID (PID). Permissions assigned to a group apply to all users in the group)
Group Ad-hoc Networkдинамическая сеть группы (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices)
Group Ad-hoc Networkдинамическая сеть группы (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices. Rori)
group ad-hoc networkгрупповая сеть без точек доступа (Andy)
group boxокно группы (Andy)
group boxполе группы (Andy)
Group By Holdsгруппировка по удержаниям (Office System 2010, SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
group calendarкалендарь группы (A calendar for a group)
group callгрупповой звонок (A call to a call group that rings the group owner and call group simultaneously. When a member of the group answers the call, the other members get a notification with the status of the call)
group chatгрупповой чат (A type of chat in which messages are posted to a chat room, where they can be viewed and responded to in real time by multiple participants. Rori)
group claimутверждение о группе (microsoft.com bojana)
Group Contacts by Availabilityупорядочить контакты по состоянию (An item on the View menu that rearranges the user's contacts based on each contact's current status)
Group Contacts by Statusгруппировать контакты по состоянию
Group Expansion serviceслужба развёртывания групп (A service that expands distribution groups so that members of a group can be viewed individually. Rori)
group filter controlэлемент фильтра группы (A drop-down list box control on a data access page that retrieves records from an underlying recordset based on the value you select from the list. On a grouped page, the control retrieves a specific group of records)
Group Filteringгрупповая фильтрация (A feature of Directory Services that provides the ability for different groups of users to have their own sets of filtering rules, even if all users share the same domain.)
group footerнижний колонтитул группы
group footerпримечание группы (Use to place information, such as group name or group total, at the end of a group of records)
group headerзаголовок группы (A place for information, such as group name or group total, at the beginning of a group of records)
group identifierидентификатор группы (An identifier in UNIX that associates a user with a group of other users that have something in common. A user can be a member of one or more groups)
Group InformationСведения о группе (Andy)
group inheritanceгрупповое наследование (A means of defining the permissions of a group role within the Safe Editing feature. Administrators can create user groups and the authoring rights of each group member will be restricted according to the group permission)
group instant messageгрупповое мгновенное сообщение (An instant message session with multiple parties, exchanged via IM (not through your mobile operator). Rori)
Group Key Distribution Serviceслужба группового распространения ключей (An Active Directory Domain Services service that provides cryptographic keys that correspond to arbitrary sets of security principals in AD DS to users who are authorized to access those keys)
group levelуровень группы (The depth at which a group in a report or data access page is nested inside other groups. Groups are nested when a set of records is grouped by more than one field, expression, or group record source)
group-level settingпараметр уровня группы (One of the settings that BizTalk administrators can modify in the BizTalk Settings Dashboard. Examples include properties like the configuration refresh interval, maximum message batch size, and group-level tracking)
group memberчлен группы (A contact within a group in the Contacts list)
Group MembershipПринадлежность к группам (Andy)
group membershipsучастие в группах (The groups to which a user account belongs. Permissions and rights granted to a group are also provided to its members. In most cases, the actions a user can perform in Windows are determined by the group memberships of the user account to which the user is logged on)
group metricsпоказатели группы (Data about the size of a distribution group and whether the recipients include people who are out of office or external to the organization)
group moderatorмодератор группы (A person who is assigned the ability to approve and reject any messages sent to a public group or a dynamic distribution group)
group naming policyполитика именования групп (A template applied to the distribution group names in your Microsoft Exchange organization. Specifically, you can specify that a prefix, a suffix, or both be applied to all distribution group names. You can also block certain words from being used in the names)
group nestingвложение групп (A field of a group definition that specifies whether the group will contain the names of other groups as members of the current group)
Group Output Aliasпсевдоним группы вывода (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
group ownerвладелец группы (A person authorized to manage and make certain changes to a group, such as to approve a membership request)
Group Policyгрупповая политика (A feature introduced with Windows 2000 that allows administrators to enforce computer-specific and user-specific settings to domain-based computers)
Group Policy Clientклиент групповой политики (A local service that queries Active Directory at policy application time (at boot/logon or scheduled intervals) for the policy objects which pertain to it and applies them)
Group Policy client-side extensionклиентское расширение групповой политики (A component responsible for implementing a specific portion of Group Policy on the client computer. For example, Registry client-side extension processes registry-specific information within Group Policy)
Group Policy containerконтейнер групповой политики (An object that is stored in Active Directory Domain Services and that is associated with a given Group Policy object)
group policy engineобработчик групповых политик (The framework that handles common functionalities across client-side extensions including scheduling of Group Policy application, obtaining GPOs from relevant configuration locations, and filtering and ordering of GPOs)
Group Policy Managementуправление групповой политикой (An administrative tool designed to manage Group Policy across an enterprise. This includes day-to-day tasks, such as creating, deleting, linking, and copying Group Policy objects (GPOs), as well as setting security on GPOs. The Group Policy Management snap-in also provides reporting of GPO policy settings, as well as extended lifecycle functions such as backup and restore of GPOs)
group policy managementуправление групповыми политиками (ssn)
Group Policy Management Consoleконсоль управления групповыми политиками (An administrative tool used to manage and edit domain-based Group Policy objects)
Group Policy Management Editorредактор "Управление групповыми политиками" (The editor window used to edit domain-based Group Policy in the Group Policy Management Console)
Group Policy Modelingмоделирование групповой политики (A tool in Group Policy Management console that simulates what Group Policy settings are applied, given a specific set of criteria, including location of user or computer object in the directory, security group membership, and status of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) filters. You can use Group Policy Modeling to test new policy deployments before you deploy them. Also known as Resultant Set of Policy-Planning Mode)
Group Policy objectобъект групповой политики
Group Policy Object Editorредактор объектов групповой политики (The Microsoft Management Console snap-in used to edit Group Policy objects)
Group Policy object linkссылка на объект групповой политики (A method of applying settings in a Group Policy object (GPO) to an Active Directory container (site, domain, or organizational unit). Linking a GPO applies the settings of that GPO to the users and computers in a site, domain, or organizational unit and, by default, to the users and computers in all child containers)
Group Policy Resultsрезультаты групповой политики (A tool in Group Policy Management console that gathers information about which Group Policy settings have actually been applied to a specific computer, user, or both. You can use this tool to troubleshoot the application of Group Policy settings. Also known as Resultant Set of Policy – Logging Mode)
Group Policy Security Settingsпараметры безопасности групповой политики (The subtrees of the Group Policy Object Editor that allow a security administrator to manually configure security levels assigned to a Group Policy object (GPO) or local computer policy)
group policy software installationгрупповая политика установки программ (ssn)
Group Policy Software Installationгрупповая политика установки программ (An extension to the editor that accompanies the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). The extension is used to deploy software packages by using a domain-based Group Policy object)
Group Policy templateшаблон групповой политики (Group Policy information stored on the SYSVOL share of all domain controllers within a domain)
group prefixпрефикс группы
group prefix (" A group name that appears to the left of theпрефикс группы
group scopeобласть группы (The value of the Active Directory property that determines the allowed membership in the group, and the resources that may be secured by the group. The allowed values are global, universal, and domain local)
group software deploymentразвёртывание программ в группе (ssn)
group software deployment statusсостояние развёртывания программ в группе (ssn)
group textгрупповая MMS (A text message thread between a group of people (usually more than 2). It allows you to keep all the replies from people in one thread, so that you can see the whole conversation)
group themingнастройка темы группы (A feature that enables group owners to change their group's image and colors for a better representation)
group transitionгрупповой переход (An outgoing transition segment with an outgoing arrow that begins on the state context and has no chained incoming transition)
group typeтип группы (The value that specifies whether the group is used for e-mail distribution, securing resources, or both)
group validation activityактивность проверки группы (A workflow activity that determines whether a group management request would violate the ILM or Active Directory configuration or policy)
group work siteрабочий сайт группы (A team site template that provides group collaboration capabilities based on standard business practices. Integrated functions include a group calendar, Whereabouts, Announcements, Phone Call Memo, and Schedule and Reservations. Rori)
grouping paneпанель группировки (The area of the grouping window in which most user interaction takes place)
horizontally oriented group of tabsгоризонтально ориентированная группа вкладок (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
host groupгруппа узлов (A custom group of virtual machine hosts, which an administrator can create in Virtual Machine Manager for ease of monitoring and management. Host groups can be used to determine the resources reserved for host operating systems and to administer virtual machine self-service)
hunt groupсервисная группа (" A set of telephone extensions that are organized into a group, over which the Private Branch eXchange (PBX) "hunts" to find an available extension. A hunt group is used to direct calls to identically-capable endpoints or to an application, such as voice mail.")
hunt groupгруппа слежения
image groupгруппа образов (A collection of Windows image files in the Windows Deployment Services image store that share security options and file resources)
Internet Group Management Protocolпротокол IGMP (A protocol used by Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) hosts to report their multicast group memberships to any immediately neighboring multicast routers)
item discount groupгруппа скидок по номенклатуре (A grouping of items to which the same discount structure applies)
item groupноменклатурная группа (A user-defined description that is used to classify a group of items that have common characteristics)
item price tolerance groupгруппа допустимых отклонений по цене номенклатуры (A group of items that controls the allowable price variance percentage for invoice matching)
item sales tax groupналоговая группа номенклатур (A group of one or more sales tax codes that define sales tax (including duty) for an item. A sales tax group and an item sales tax group must be connected to each transaction that is subject to sales tax. Sales tax is calculated only for the sales tax codes that are included in both the sales tax group and the item sales tax group)
job groupгруппа заданий (A series of jobs that perform a complex action in Virtual Machine Manager, such as performing a physical-to-virtual machine conversion. Rori)
language groupязыковая группа (A group that controls which system locale, user locales, input locales, and user interface (UI) languages can be selected)
linked measure groupсвязанная группа мер (A reference in a cube to a measure group in a different cube (that is, a cube with a different data source view that exists in the same or a different Analysis Services database). A linked measure group can only be edited in the source database. Rori)
linked measure groupсвязанная группа мер (A reference in a cube to a measure group in a different cube (that is, a cube with a different data source view that exists in the same or a different Analysis Services database). A linked measure group can only be edited in the source database)
local administrators groupлокальная группа администраторов (The group of users who have permission to perform administration tasks on the local server computer. The permissions for this group are set by using the administration tools for the operating system)
macro groupгруппа макросов (A collection of related macros that are stored together under a single macro name. The collection is often referred to simply as a macro)
mail-enabled universal distribution groupуниверсальная группа рассылки, поддерживающая почту (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled universal distribution group, all members of that list receive a copy of the message. Mail-enabled universal distribution groups cannot be used to assign permissions)
mail-enabled universal distribution groupуниверсальная группа распространения, поддерживающая почту
mail-enabled universal security groupуниверсальная группа безопасности, поддерживающая почту (A group of recipients that are created to expedite the mass e-mailing of messages and other information. Unlike a mail-enabled universal distribution group, a mail-enabled USG can also be used to assign permissions. When e-mail is sent to a mail-enabled USG, all members of that group receive a copy of the message)
mailing groupгруппа рассылки (Andy)
masking groupгруппа выделения по маске (A group of logical disks, target ports, and initiator ports used for bulk mask/unmask operations)
measure groupгруппа мер (A collection of related measures in an Analysis Services cube. The measures are generally from the same fact table)
measure groupгруппа показателей
membership in a groupчленство в группе (A user's status as a member of a group)
Microsoft Group Key Distribution Service An Active Directory Domain Services service that provides cryptographic keys that correspond to arbitrary sets of security principals in AD DS to users who are authorized to access those keysслужба группового распространения ключей (Майкрософт)
Microsoft group of companiesгруппа компаний Майкрософт (Collectively, Microsoft Corporation and those companies that are owned by Microsoft Corporation)
MSDPMTrustedMachines groupгруппа MSDPMTrustedMachines (A group that contains the domain accounts for file servers that are authorized to communicate with the DPM server. DPM uses this group to ensure that only file servers that have the DPM File Agent installed from a specific DPM server can respond to calls from that server)
multiple forest group validationпроверка группы в нескольких лесах (A mode of the group validation activity that places cross forest members of a group in the FSP set associated with the forest in which the group resides)
name of the host groupимя группы узлов (ssn)
name of the host group in the team project collectionимя группы узлов в коллекции командных проектов (ssn)
named groupименованная группа (Andy)
Navigates to a specified Navigation Pane group and categoryПереход к указанной группе или категории из области навигации (Office System 2010)
Navigation Pane Group Header Pop-upМеню "Заголовок группы" области навигации (Office System 2010 Rori)
New Action Pane Groupновая группа области действий (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
New Distribution GroupСоздать группу рассылки (Andy)
New GroupНовая группа (The default name for a group of contacts created by the user)
page groupгруппа страниц (A set of related Web pages that is tagged with a particular page group name and used for targeting ads)
page groupстраничный блок
parent host groupродительская группа узлов (" A host group that contains another host group, which is known as a "child host group.")
Partner groupгруппа партнёров (In Business Activity Services (BAS), a group of similar partners categorized for ease of management)
pay groupгруппа оплаты (A set of employees who are paid in the same manner on the same date for the same period of time. This categorization is required by payroll departments that group employees into discrete payroll runs)
price groupценовая группа (The price of any cost type (hour, expense, or fee) that is assigned to a specific group of customers or all customers)
profile groupгруппа профилей (A grouping of partner profiles with which you can associate an agreement)
project groupгруппа проектов (A classification of projects that have characteristics in common, primarily for specifying the ledger accounts to use for posting)
property groupгруппа свойств (A set of logically related properties that apply to an object. Rori)
protection groupгруппа защиты (A collection of data sources that share the same protection configuration and schedule)
protection group memberчлен группы защиты (A data source within a protection group)
public groupобщедоступная группа (An item in the global address list that provides an easy way to send messages to a group of people. A public group can include any item from a global address list, including other public groups)
RD Gateway-managed computer groupуправляемая шлюзом удалённых рабочих столов группа компьютеров (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
remote desktop server groupгруппа серверов удалённых рабочих столов (A group of two or more remote desktop servers that you can manage via Remote Desktop Server Manager)
remote desktop server groupгруппа серверов удалённых рабочих столов (ssn)
Remove from Groupудалить из группы
Remove from GroupУдалить из группы (An item that deletes a selected contact from a contact group, when the contact is right-clicked)
Rename Groupпереименовать группу
Rename GroupПереименовать группу (An item that lets a user rename a group, when the group name in the Contacts list is right-clicked)
replication groupгруппа репликации (A set of servers that participates in the replication of one or more replicated folders)
report groupгруппа отчётов (A set of report definitions that can be used to generate more than one report simultaneously)
resource groupгруппа ресурсов (In AD FS, a single security group, which is created in Active Directory, that incoming group claims (AD FS group claims from the account partner) are mapped to)
Response Groupгруппа ответа (An application that lets you route and queue incoming calls to designated persons for a special purpose, such as customer service. The queue holds callers until an agent answers the call)
Response Group tabвкладка "Группа ответа" (A custom tab, on an agent's Office Communicator client, that is used by the agent to sign in to his or her Response Group Service group. The agent must be signed in to the group in order to answer calls routed to the group)
restart policy configured for the groupполитика перезапуска, настроенная для группы
Ribbon Context Groupsконтекстные группы ленты (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
ribbon groupгруппа ленты (A labeled collection of commands and controls that are grouped together on a ribbon tab. Rori)
ribbon groupгруппа ленты (A labeled collection of commands and controls that are grouped together on a ribbon tab)
Right-click to interact with this groupЩёлкните правой кнопкой мыши для работы с группой (Windows Live Messenger Wave 5 Rori)
role groupгруппа ролей (A universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. These administrative rights are specified by built-in management roles, which are part of the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model in Exchange Server 2010)
role group memberчлен группы ролей (A member of an administrator role group, which is a universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. The roles assigned to the role group are applied to each member who is added to the role group. This grants each user all the permissions allowed by the roles assigned to the role group)
root host groupкорневая группа узлов (The default host group, Managed Computers, which contains all host groups in Virtual Machine Manager. The name of the root host group can be assigned during Setup. The default name is All Hosts)
route groupмаршрутная группа (A classification of routes that share certain production characteristics, such as queue time, setup time, and run time)
routing groupгруппа маршрутизации (A logical grouping of well-connected Exchange servers between which no connector is required for message transfer)
routing group connectorсоединитель группы маршрутизации (An SMTP connector that is required for mail to flow between Exchange routing groups. When Exchange Server 2007 is installed in an existing Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server organization, the required routing group connector is created during setup)
sales tax groupналогова группа (A group of one or more sales tax codes that define sales tax (including duty) for customers, vendors, projects, and ledger accounts)
schedule groupгруппа расписаний (In the Concurrency Runtime, a container for related tasks that are queued to a Task Scheduler)
schedule groupгруппа расписаний (In the Concurrency Runtime, a container for related tasks that are queued to a Task Scheduler. Rori)
security groupгруппа безопасности (A group that can be listed in discretionary access control lists (DACLs) used to define permissions on resources and objects. A security group can also be used as an e-mail entity. Sending an e-mail message to the group sends the message to all the members of the group)
send group membership as a claimотправка сведений о членстве в группе в виде утверждения (microsoft.com bojana)
send port groupгруппа портов отправки (A logical grouping of send ports. When a message is sent to a send port group, it is routed to all of the associated send ports)
Server Operators groupгруппа операторов серверов (A group whose members can manage all domain controllers in a single domain. This group does not exist on workstations, stand-alone servers, or member servers. Administrative tasks that can be performed by members of this group include logging on locally, creating and deleting network shared resources, starting and stopping services, backing up and restoring files, formatting the hard disk of the computer, and shutting down the computer)
service groupгруппа служб (A logical combination of services that are maintained as one)
Shared Hosting Groupобщая группа размещения (Azure Azure vCurrent Katal Rori)
SharePoint groupгруппа SharePoint (A group of users that can be created on a SharePoint site to manage permissions to the site and to provide an e-mail distribution list for site users. A group can be used by many sites in one site collection)
source configuration groupисходная конфигурационная группа
startup program groupгруппа автозагрузки (Windows Server 2003 ssn)
state groupгруппа состояний (ssn)
storage groupгруппа хранения (A collection of mailbox stores and public folder stores that share a set of transaction log files. Exchange manages each storage group with a separate server process)
study groupучебная группа (A student collaboration group where studying can be organized and managed online)
subscription groupгруппа подписок (A classification of subscriptions used for pricing, posting, and otherwise managing subscriptions)
supplementary item groupгруппа дополнительных номенклатур
sync groupгруппа синхронизации (A collection of databases that are configured for mutual synchronization by the synchronization service)
tabbed groupгруппа с вкладками (In a multiple document interface (MDI) application, a set of child windows that have tab borders and are docked together in the client area of the application. To undock a child window from the group, drag it by its tab)
task groupгруппа задач (In the Concurrency Runtime, a construct that enables related, fine-grained tasks to be queued to a Task Scheduler. A task group can be used to schedule tasks, wait for tasks to finish, and cancel tasks that have not started)
team project collection host groupгруппа узлов коллекции командного проекта (A Virtual Machine Manager host group that has been bound to a team project collection)
team project host groupгруппа узлов командного проекта (A project collection host group that has been further bound to a TFS team project for the purpose of deploying virtual environments)
team project host group descriptionописание группы узлов командного проекта (ssn)
team project host group nameимя группы узлов командного проекта (имя, назначаемое группе узлов в командном проекте ssn)
team-call groupгруппа приёма звонков (A group of people who can answer calls on behalf of someone else. Rori)
the disk group transaction ID field is invalid.Неверное поле кода транзакции для группы диска (Windows Server 2003 R2)
Trusted Computing Groupорганизация TCG (The organization that sets standards for Trusted Platform Module (TPM) use and interface)
unit groupгруппа единиц измерения
unlocked groupразблокированная группа (A group whose membership can be changed by users other than the owner of the group)
update groupобновляемая группа (A collection of managed properties that are updated together in the search index)
user groupгруппа пользователей (A collection of users that have been assigned identical access permissions)
Users groupпользователи
Users groupгруппа пользователей
vendor price tolerance groupгруппа допустимых отклонений по цене поставщика (A group that can be assigned to vendors and that controls the allowable price variance percentage for invoice matching)
vertically oriented group of tabsвертикально ориентированная группа вкладок (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Wired Group Policy Clientклиент групповой политики для проводной среды (A Group Policy Client in a wired environment)
Wireless Group Policy Clientклиент групповой политики для беспроводной среды (A Group Policy Client in a wireless environment)
workload groupгруппа рабочей нагрузки (In Resource Governor, a container for session requests that are similar according to the classification rules that are applied to each request. A workload group allows the aggregate monitoring of resource consumption and a uniform policy that is applied to all the requests in a group)