
Terms for subject SAP containing direct | all forms | exact matches only
bank direct debitсписание с банковского счёта
bank direct debit and bank collection formsформуляры банковского списания и банковского инкассо
bank direct debit formформуляр банковского списания
bank direct debiting procedureпроцедура банковского списания
direct activity allocationпрямой перерасчёт работ
direct bonusпрямая надбавка
direct cost allocationпрямой перерасчёт работ
direct cost controlконтроллинг прямых затрат
direct debitingнепосредственное дебетование
direct debiting procedureпроцедура дебетования
direct internal activity allocationпрямой внутрипроизводственный перерасчёт работ
direct issue itemsматериалы / средства / детали, поставляемые заказчику напрямую, в обход склада (Items may not always be ordered from a warehouse via an internal replenishment or usage order. If needed, inventory can be issued to a consumer directly. When inventory is issued directly, the consumer does not complete an online internal replenishment or usage order for the needed items. Direct issues are also known as over-the-counter issues. Direct issues are often used when an emergency occurs and the customer does not have the time to complete an internal replenishment or usage order.)
direct issuesматериалы / средства / детали, поставляемые заказчику напрямую, в обход склада (Items may not always be ordered from a warehouse via an internal replenishment or usage order. If needed, inventory can be issued to a consumer directly. When inventory is issued directly, the consumer does not complete an online internal replenishment or usage order for the needed items. Direct issues are also known as over-the-counter issues. Direct issues are often used when an emergency occurs and the customer does not have the time to complete an internal replenishment or usage order.)
direct legнезависимый транспортный этап
direct postingпрямая проводка
direct salesпрямой сбыт
income from direct employmentдоход от работы по найму