
Terms for subject Microsoft containing critical | all forms | exact matches only
boot critical driverкритический для загрузки драйвер (A driver that must be available in order for the operating system to successfully complete the boot process. Boot critical drivers include all boot start drivers)
critical alertкритическое оповещение (An alert that indicates that a protection group requires immediate attention. Critical problems are caused by significant abnormal (unexpected) behavior that affects data protected by DPS)
critical alertкритические оповещения
critical areaкритическая секция (участок выполняемого кода приложения, в котором производится доступ к общему ресурсу (данным или устройству), который не должен быть одновременно использован более чем одним потоком выполнения. При нахождении в критической секции двух и более потоков возникает состояние состязания за ресурс. Alex_Odeychuk)
critical exceptionкритическое исключение (An exception that leads to a monitored component's failure. For ASP.NET applications, a critical exception results in the user seeing either the standard or a custom error page. For web services, critical exceptions are those that ASP.NET serializes into valid SOAP messages on the server-side, and deserializes to SOAP exceptions on the ASP.NET client)
critical fileкритический файл (A file that is crucial for the system to perform)
critical pathкритический путь (The series of activities that determines the duration of the project. In a deterministic model, the critical path is usually defined as those activities with float less than or equal to a specified value, often zero. It is the longest path through the project)
critical path methodметод критического пути (A project management method of calculating the total duration of a project based on individual task durations and their dependencies)
critical sectionкритическая секция (A segment of code which is not reentrant; that is, it does not support concurrent access by multiple threads. Often, a critical section is used to protect shared resources)
critical taskкритическая задача (A task that must be completed on schedule for the project to finish on time. If a critical task is delayed, the project completion date might also be delayed. A series of critical tasks makes up a project's critical path)
critical updateкритическое обновление (A broadly released fix for a specific problem addressing a critical, non-security related bug)
critical updateважные обновления
critical volumeкритический том (A volume that is essential for the computer to boot)
enter the critical areaвойти в критическую секцию (критическая секция – участок выполняемого кода приложения, в котором производится доступ к общему ресурсу (данным или устройству), который не должен быть одновременно использован более чем одним потоком выполнения. При нахождении в критической секции двух и более потоков возникает состояние состязания за ресурс. Alex_Odeychuk)
GxP critical recordкритически важные записи GxP (An electronic record considered critical by the FDA)
leave the critical areaвыйти из критической секции (критическая секция – участок выполняемого кода приложения, в котором производится доступ к общему ресурсу (данным или устройству), который не должен быть одновременно использован более чем одним потоком выполнения. При нахождении в критической секции двух и более потоков возникает состояние состязания за ресурс. Alex_Odeychuk)
multiple critical pathsнесколько критических путей (A series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule. Identify and track multiple critical paths to be more effective in managing conditions that could affect your project's finish date. Rori)
multiple critical pathsнесколько критических путей (A series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule. Identify and track multiple critical paths to be more effective in managing conditions that could affect your project's finish date)
non-critical eventнекритическое событие (Windows 8 ssn)
security-criticalкритический с точки зрения безопасности (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can only be used by fully trusted code. | Security-critical operations are actions that affect code access security, such as elevation of privilege through suppression of code access security checks by using the Assert method, calling unsafe managed code, and so forth.)
security-safe-criticalнадёжный с точки зрения безопасности (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can be safely used by partially trusted code in the .NET Framework)