
Terms for subject Microsoft containing capacity | all forms | exact matches only
Actual Capacityфактическая ёмкость (The amount of time a resource has available to work at any given point in time. Actual Capacity is equal to Capacity minus resource calendar exceptions (e.g. offsite training, morale events, jury duty) and previously scheduled committed work (Project task assignments with type = committed). This is the most valuable measure for scheduling a resource)
Actual Capacityфактическая доступность
Base Capacityбазовая ёмкость (The amount of available time a resource has to work based on their resource base calendar. This is equivalent to the capacity of the position to which the resource is assigned. For example, a resource in a 70% part-time position has a Base Capacity of .7FTE. Not very useful for scheduling but of more value in determining the maximum capacity or cost of an organization)
Base Capacityбазовая доступность ресурса
capacity loadмаксимальная мощность (The maximum amount of scheduled work that a work center can perform at a required capacity level)
capacity planningпланирование загрузки (The process of identifying and preparing for the application, hardware, and network requirements to support expected site traffic and achieve site performance goals)
capacity planningпланирование мощности (A procedure for determining the resource capacity requirements that meet the demand of future output during specific time periods)
finite capacityограничение по мощности (The capability of a resource (worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization) to produce output within a specified period of time without exceeding the available capacity)
forced vital capacityфорсированная жизненная ёмкость (The volume of air that can forcibly be blown out after full inspiration, measured in liters)
limited capacityограничение по мощности (The capability of a resource (worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization) to produce output within a specified period of time without exceeding the available capacity)
optimizing on capacityоптимизация по мощности