
Terms for subject Microsoft containing awareness | all forms | exact matches only
DPI awareness levelуровень поддержки определения DPI (The degree to which an application renders on the basis of DPI settings)
Network Awarenessслужба сведений о подключённых сетях (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
Network AwarenessСлужба сетевого расположения (Компонент Windows Server 2008, уведомляющий об изменениях в подключениях узлов и конфигурации сети bojana)
network location awareness serviceслужба сведений о подключённых сетях (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
presence awarenessсредство отслеживания состояния (A feature that enables the user to see when people are working in a workspace, online, or offline)