
Terms for subject Literature containing artist | all forms | exact matches only
As the master of sleight of hand who had paled Thurston s star, as the escape artist who had almost outshone Houdini, Raymond would not be inclined to underestimate himself.Как мастер манипуляции, заставивший побледнеть звезду Терстона, и как эскапист, едва не затмивший Гудини, Реймонд не был склонен недооценивать себя. (S. Ellin)
con artistвеликий комбинатор (Alex_Odeychuk)
Like most great film makers, he began as an artist, and was gradually overwhelmed by the need to prove himself as a businessman. He was not only harassed by the need to marry God and Moloch in his work, he was harassed by the need to marry them in himself.Подобно большинству великих кинематографистов, он начинал как художник, но постепенно поддался необходимости утвердиться как бизнесмен. Вынужденное поклонение и Богу, и Молоху разъедало не только его искусство, но и душу. (Ch. Higham)
The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Dog"Портрет художника — молодого пса" (1940, автобиографическая книга Дилана Томаса)