
Terms for subject Microsoft containing apartment | all forms | exact matches only
apartment-threaded componentкомпонент с потоковым подразделением (A COM component that resides on a single thread of execution. Apartment-threaded components rely on COM to synchronize calls to them. All COM objects created with Visual Basic are apartment threaded)
apartment threadingпотоковая модель "Подразделение" (A COM threading model where all calls to an object occur on one thread. In apartment threading, COM synchronizes and marshals calls)
apartment threading modelпотоковая модель "Подразделение" (A COM threading model where all calls to an object occur on one thread. In apartment threading, COM synchronizes and marshals calls)
application single-threaded apartmentоднопотоковое подразделение приложения (A single-threaded apartment the thread of which is the core UI thread for an application window. Rori)
multithreaded apartmentмногопотоковое подразделение (An apartment that consists of one or more threads)
single-threaded apartmentоднопотоковое подразделение (An apartment that consists of exactly one thread)