
Terms for subject Microsoft containing answering | all forms | exact matches only
answering routerотвечающий маршрутизатор (Andrey_Koz)
Automatic Answeringавтоответ (A feature of some Windows Mobile devices that uses the hands-free system to automatically answer incoming calls (without a person touching the device) after a user-specified period of time, such as 2 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and so on)
call answeringавтоответчик
Instant AnswersБыстрые ответы (A search feature that enables users to instantly find answers on the results page for topics such as weather, reference, celebrities, movies, books, and top local listings without having to hunt for it from link to link)
non-authoritative answerне заслуживающий доверия ответ (MasterK)
Questions and Answers panelпанель вопросов и ответов
secret answerответ на секретный вопрос (An answer that only the user knows for a specific question. The answer is used to confirm someone's identity if they forget their password)