
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Track | all forms | exact matches only
conversation trackingотслеживание взаимодействия (Keeping a record of chat conversations in CRM, which occur through Lync)
in track changes modeв режиме отслеживания правок (Andy)
in track changes modeв режиме правки (Andy)
this program tracks activity and delivers advertisementsэта программа следит за действиями пользователя и содержит рекламу (Windows Vista)
track changesрежим "Исправления" (во вкладке "Рецензирование" bigmaxus)
track changesрежим редакторской правки (в MS Word bigmaxus)
tracking dimensionаналитика отслеживания (The batch number and serial number attributes that are used to track an item)
Tracking Protectionзащита от слежения (The feature that blocks third-party web content that could potentially track someone's web activity)