
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing Sleep | all forms | exact matches only
catch up on sleepвосполнить недосыпание (Val_Ships)
catch up on sleepвыспаться (I'm going home to catch up on my sleep. Val_Ships)
endless sleepвечный сон (Maggie)
eternal sleepвечный сон (Maggie)
final sleepвечный сон (Maggie)
fitful sleepбеспокойный сон (He had a few fitful hours of sleep. Val_Ships)
get a wink of sleepприкорнуть (it's the onle place he can get a wink of sleep Val_Ships)
get a wink of sleepуснуть на короткое время (Val_Ships)
last sleepвечный сон (Maggie)
Let me sleep on itДай мне время подумать (Val_Ships)
Let me sleep on itОтложим это до утра (Val_Ships)
never-ending sleepвечный сон (Maggie)
not get a wink of sleepне смыкать глаз (I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Val_Ships)
not sleep a winkсовсем не спать (I was so excited last night – I didn't sleep a wink. Val_Ships)
not sleep a winkне смыкать глаз (to not sleep at all; to get a moment's sleep; enjoy a bit of sleep; sleep for even a very brief time, used in negative statements: I didn't/couldn't sleep a wink (=didn't / couldn't sleep at all) last night: I was so excited last night – I didn't sleep a wink; I didn't sleep a wink all night; I didn't get a wink of sleep on the plane Taras)
sleep-deprived eyesглаза с признаками недосыпания (Val_Ships)
sleep inпродрыхнуть (I slept this morning in. Val_Ships)
sleep like a logспать беспробудным сном (Val_Ships)
sleep on itподумай над этим (Sleep on it, but we need to move fast. Val_Ships)
sleep overприйти в гости с ночёвкой (very popular among kids in the US Val_Ships)
sleep tight!спи спокойно (Val_Ships)
try and get some sleepприкорнуть (Val_Ships)
trying to get to sleepпытаться заснуть (Val_Ships)