
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Maintenance | all forms | exact matches only
Automatic Maintenanceавтоматическое обслуживание (A feature of Windows that includes a set of maintenance tasks that run automatically when the user's PC is idle)
battery-friendly maintenanceобслуживание при питании от сети (A feature that enables IT professionals to wake mobile systems for servicing by using a timer that activates only when the computer is plugged in. Using this feature, Windows runs maintenance only if the computer is using AC power)
Catalog Maintenance Request fileфайл обновления каталога (A data file of products, their descriptions and prices, and action codes that add, update, or delete product data in a vendor catalog)
database maintenance toolсредство поддержки базы данных (One of a number of utilities that allow users to back up, restore, and check for errors in the Business Contact Manager for Outlook database)
Employee category maintenance form.Форма ведения категории сотрудников. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Health Insurance Companies maintenance form.Форма ведения компаний, предоставляющих ДМС. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Maintenance Ledger EntryКнига операций по обслуживанию (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
Maintenance Modeрежим обслуживания (A status indicator informing that the server is being maintained)
maintenance planплан обслуживания (Ding_an_sich)
maintenance ruleправило обслуживания (A rule that is executed by the SharePoint Maintenance Manager to identify problems that are related to configuration settings, data integrity, performance, security, and other issues)
Maintenance troubleshooterсредство устранения проблем с обслуживанием (A troubleshooter that performs common maintenance tasks in Windows, such as cleaning up unused files and shortcuts)
maintenance windowпериод обслуживания (A period of time, defined by administrators, when changes can be made on the systems that are members of a Configuration Manager collection)
online maintenance windowпериод обслуживания (Period of time during which online maintenance occurs)
security and maintenanceбезопасность и обслуживание (A feature in Control Panel where users can take actions, such as changing settings, on features related to security and general PC software maintenance. Rori)
self-maintenanceавтоматическое обслуживание (The process in Application Diagnostics by which the database automatically manages data growth and automatically purges old data by using rules)
SharePoint Maintenance Managerдиспетчер обслуживания SharePoint (An administrative tool that examines a computer, server farm, or server cluster against an optimal set of procedures and functional principles for that configuration, and reports possible issues)
upgrade with maintenanceобновление и обслуживание (The type of volume license agreement that grants the new version rights to the licensed product family throughout the term of the customer's volume license agreement. Rori)