
Terms for subject Tengiz containing Continuous | all forms | exact matches only
continuous blowdownаппарат непрерывной продувки (The continuous blowdown tank is a flash tank used to collect heat from the water that is continuously drawn from the steam drum in order to control the dissolved solids. As water is boiled off to steam in the steam drum anything that will not evaporate is left behind and this will increase the concentration of dissolved solids in the boiler water. This is bad because the solids will precipitate out and form scale which must be removed chemically and water with high solids concentration will start to foam which will cause level control problems and will also result in material carrying over with the steam resulting in deposits in the superheater tubes and headers. To control this some of the high concentration boiler water is drawn off and replaced with lower concentration feed water. Burkitov Azamat)
Continuous blowdown CBDаппарат непрерывной продувки (происходит постоянная продувка Burkitov Azamat)
continuous emission monitoringнепрерывный контроль за выбросами
continuous flow meterрасходомер непрерывного действия
Continuous operating voltageнаибольшее длительно допустимое фазное напряжение (английский термин взят с тех. спецификации производителя Serik Jumanov)
continuous settlingнепрерывный отстой (Yeldar Azanbayev)
furnace butt welded, continuous weldedмаркировка труб, изготовленных по стандарту ASTM с помощью метода непрерывной стыковой сварки в сварочной печи
Maximum Continuous Rateмаксимальная непрерывная производительность (Yeldar Azanbayev)
maximum continuous ratingмаксимальная непрерывная производительность