
Terms for subject Military containing Based on | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
acquisition based on consideration of logistic effectsзакупки, обусловленные потребностями МТО
altitude above sea level based on local station pressureабсолютная высота над уровнем моря, базирующаяся на давлении местной станции
based on mission variables ordersв зависимости от поставленной задачи (The mission variables consist of mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, civil considerations (known as METT-TC): The operational environment is a composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander (JP 1-021). Army leaders plan, prepare, execute, and assess operations by analyzing the operational environment in terms of the operational variables and mission variables. The operational variables consist of political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, time (known as PMESII-PT). The mission variables consist of mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, civil considerations (known as METT-TC). How these variables interact in a specific situation, domain (land, maritime, air, space, or cyberspace), area of operations, or area of interest describes a commander's operational environment but does not limit it. No two operational environments are identical, even within the same theater of operations, and every operational environment changes over time. Because of this, Army leaders consider how evolving relevant operational or mission variables affect force employment concepts and tactical actions that contribute to the strategic purpose. nationalacademies.org Razor47072)
height above airport elevation or runway threshold elevation based on local station pressureвысота относительно превышения аэродрома или превышения взлётно-посадочной полосы, базирующаяся на давлении местной станции
laser ionization based on resonance saturationионизация лазерного излучения на основе резонансного поглощения
military doctrine based on the threats and realities of the modern worldвоенная доктрина, исходящая из угроз и реалий современного мира (a ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
move to a professional army based on contract principlesпереходить на контрактную армию (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
production of a new multiple-warhead missile based on the SS-24 technologyпроизводство новой ракеты с разделяющейся головной частью на основе СС-24 (англ. цитата – из статьи в газете Washington Post; контекстуальный перевод Alex_Odeychuk)