
Terms for subject Affectionate containing And | all forms | exact matches only
affectionate and diminutive of дуракдурашка
affectionate and diminutive of гусаргусарчик
affectionate and diminutive of зверёкзверушка (= зверюшка; masc and fem)
affectionate and diminutive of изумрудизумрудик (изумрудец)
affectionate and diminutive of зверзверушка (= зверюшка; masc and fem)
affectionate and diminutive of грязнухагрязнушка
affectionate and diminutive of дубровдубровушка (дубравушка)
cute and cuddlyмиленький (напр., щеночек, детёныш: I wonder if Baby Bigfoots are cute and cuddly? ART Vancouver)
cute and cuddlyхорошенький (напр., щеночек, детёныш: I wonder if Baby Bigfoots are cute and cuddly? ART Vancouver)