
Terms for subject Religion containing society | all forms | exact matches only
American Bible SocietyАмериканское библейское общество (International agency under lay control, formed in New York in 1816 as a union of 28 local Bible societies to encourage the wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures throughout the world, without note or comment, through translation, publication, distribution, and stimulation of use)
Baptist Missionary SocietyБаптистское миссионерское общество (The Society formed by a merger of the Particular Baptist Missionary Society and General Baptist Missionary Society)
British and Foreign Bible SocietyБританское международное библейское общество (First Bible society in the fullest sense, founded in 1804, mainly concerned with making vernacular translations of the Scriptures available to peoples of all races)
castigate the evils of societyбичевать пороки общества
Chinese Evangelization SocietyKEO Китайское евангелизационное общество (Alex Lilo)
Church Missionary SocietyЦерковное миссионерское общество (Society founded in London in 1799 as the Society for Missions in Africa and the East, by Evangelical clergy of the Church of England, those who stressed biblical faith, personal conversion, and piety)
dorcas societyобщество Тафивы
Dorcas SocietyОбщество Серны (A woman's circle making clothing for charitable purposes so called from Dorcas in Acts:9:39)
the International Society for Krishna ConsciousnessМеждународное общество Сознания Кришны
International Society for Krishna ConsciousnessХаре Кришна
International Society of Christian EndeavorМеждународное общество христианских усилий (Interdenominational organization for Protestant youth in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. It was founded in 1881)
Maha Bodhi SocietyОбщество Маха Бодхи (An organization that was established to encourage Buddhist studies in India and abroad)
Masonic research societyмасонское исследовательское общество (Alex_Odeychuk)
Missionary Societyмиссионерское общество (Александр Рыжов)
Muslim American SocietyОбщество американских мусульман (Alex_Odeychuk)
Orange SocietyСоюз оранжистов
Orange SocietyОбщество оранжистов
relief societyобщество милосердия
Religious Society of FriendsВсеобщая конференция "Общества друзей" (General Conference)
Ribbon SocietyСоюз зелёной ленты (Irish secret society founded at the end of the 18th century in opposition to the Orange Society, or Protestant Orangemen)
Society for the Propagation of the Faith Organ of the papacy for the collection and distribution of money to support Roman Catholic missions throughout the worldОбщество распространения веры
Society of Friends Christian group that arose in the mid-17th century in England and the American colonies, advocating direct inward apprehension of God without creeds, clergy, or other ecclesiastical formsОбщество друзей
Society of JesusОрден иезуитов (A Roman Catholic order of religious men, founded in 1534 by St. Ignatius of Loyola, noted for its educational, missionary, and charitable works)
Society of MaryКонгрегация мариан (A religious congregation of the Roman Catholic church founded in France in 1817)
Society of Missionaries of AfricaБелые отцы
Society of Saint-Sulpiceчлены конгрегации св. Сульпиция
Society of Saint-Sulpice A group of secular priests dedicated to training candidates for the priesthoodконгрегация св. Сульпиция
Society of St. Francis de SalesКонгрегация "Облаты св. Франциска Сальского"
Society of the Divine WordОбщество Божественного Слова (A Roman Catholic religious organization, composed of priests and brothers, founded in 1875 to work in the foreign missions)
Society of the Sacred HeartОбщество Пресвятого Сердца (A Roman Catholic religious congregation of women devoted to the education of girls, founded in France in 1800)
Society of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Maryконгрегация Пикпуса
temperance societyобщество трезвенников
Theosophical Society"Теософское общество" (Founded in New York City in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky of Russia, it had as its original inspiration Jewish esoteric mysticism, Gnosticism, and other forms of Western occultism)
United Society of Believers in Christ's Second AppearingЕдиное общество верующих во Второе явление Христа (A celibate millenarian sect that established communal settlements in the United States in the 18th century)
United Society of Christian EndeavorОбъединённое общество христианских усилий (Original name of International Society of Christian Endeavor)
Vedanta Societyобщество веданты (индуистские организации, группы и общества, сформированные для изучения, практики и пропагандирования веданты – одной из шести ортодоксальных школ в философии индуизма sagann)
White Lotus society'Общество Белого лотоса'. Байлянь цзун
White Lotus societyБайлянь цзун
White Lotus societyСекта Белого лотоса
White Lotus societyБайлянь цзяо
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White Lotus societyОбщество Белого лотоса
White Lotus societyУчение Белого лотоса