
Terms for subject Informal containing peace | all forms | exact matches only
give someone no peaceодолевать
in peaceспокойно (Let the man have some tea in peace! • I just want to do my job in peace. • Can't a guy take a shit in peace? – Дайте посрать спокойно! 4uzhoj)
Justice of the Peaceмировой
let go in peaceотпустить душу на покаяние
make peaceзамиряться (with)
may someone rest in peaceцарствие небесное (The late Mr. Aspin, may he rest in peace, was a good friend to all of us. 4uzhoj)
may the peace of God be withцарствие небесное (someone Anglophile)
one who is sentenced to several days in jail for disturbing the peaceсуточник
peace outпокедова (SergeiAstrashevsky)
peace outпокеда (SergeiAstrashevsky)