
Terms containing oh, come on | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.oh, come on!Ладно, кончай! ("What's an income tax?" "Oh, come on! Everyone knows what an income tax is." – Да ладно тебе! Все знают, что такое ...)
gen.oh, come on!ишь!
inf.oh come onой, да ладно (Баян)
inf.oh, come onслушай (4uzhoj)
inf.oh come onда ну прямо (Баян)
cliche.oh, come onда будет вам! (нести чушь: Oh, come on. MST is considering the "needs" of the wealthy first and foremost. All other considerations are secondary. Who else will be able afford to live there? vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
Makarov.oh, come on, be serious!хватит, брось шутки!
gen.oh, come on, I know better than that!да ну, брось, уж я-то знаю
rhetor.oh come on you can tell meой, да ладно, мне-то можешь сказать (Alex_Odeychuk)