
Terms for subject Formal containing from | all forms | exact matches only
a direct quotation from a reportцитата непосредственно из отчёта (Alex_Odeychuk)
apart from the fact thatесли не считать того, что (Apart from the fact that I was aware that he played chess and shared with Catsmeat's current fiancée a dislike for hearing policemen make cracks about Jonah and the Whale, the Rev. Sidney Pirbright had hitherto been a sealed book to me, and this was, of course, the first time I had seen him in action. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
as appears fromкак явствует из (H-Jack)
attestation from the bankсправка из банка (Please fill out the Direct Deposit Request Form attached and provide a cheque from your bank account with "VOID" written on it or an attestation from the bank. ART Vancouver)
benefit fromпойти на пользу (Cyber security stocks have benefited from the latest global hacking attack.- пошла на пользу ART Vancouver)
central register of learning from experienceцентральный реестр материалов обучения на собственном опыте (establish a central register of learning from experience – создать центральный реестр материалов обучения на собственном опыте theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
departure from the normотход от нормы (ART Vancouver)
exempt from conscriptionосвобождённый от призыва в армию (The fishing industry was declared an essential service during WWII and workers were exempt from conscription. ART Vancouver)
from a purely formal point of viewсугубо формально (BBC News Alex_Odeychuk)
from that point forwardс этого момента (The Updated Terms will be effective as of the time of posting, or such later date as may be specified in the Updated Terms, and will apply to your use of the Service from that point forward. ART Vancouver)
from the humanitarian viewpointпо гуманитарным соображениям (financial-engineer)
from the humanitarian viewpointпо гуманитарным мотивам (financial-engineer)
hail fromбыть питомцем (they hail from our university – они питомцы нашего университета Pavlov)
it would benefit from more context to fully understandдля полного понимания целесообразно предоставить более широкий контекст (It would benefit from more context to fully understand what the code is doing. — Для полного понимания функционирования кода целесообразно предоставить более широкий контекст. Alex_Odeychuk)
pull funding fromотозвать финансирование (Maria Klavdieva)
ranging from toначиная от ... до ... (Ася Кудрявцева)
release from custodyосвободить задержанных из-под стражи (ART Vancouver)
resulting fromв результате (twice the gain or loss resulting from the improper payment ART Vancouver)
resulting from someone's actionsпричинённый в результате действий (e.g., damage ART Vancouver)
secede fromвыйти из (состава конфедерации; "With Brexit dividing the country and Scotland threatening to secede from the UK, we need a monarchy that can represent the nation to itself." (comment on The Independent's website) ART Vancouver)
subject + be exempt from + objectне распространяться на (Cards and certificates that are for a specific good or service from a retailer are exempt from the new regulations. – Действие новых правил не распространяется на ... • Non-heritage homes in the Buckingham Heights area will be exempt from the new conservation requirements. – Действие ... не распространяется на ... ART Vancouver)
we hear from our representativeнаш представитель сообщает нам
with effect fromдействует с