
Terms for subject Insurance containing cause | all forms | exact matches only
all causes deductibleбезусловное собственное удержание страхователя
all causes maximum limitлимит максимальный по любой причине
by any cause, for any reasonпо любой причине (… non-appearance for any reason of the patient …… in case the property is damaged or destroyed by any cause. Пазенко Георгий)
cause extensive damageнанести значительный ущерб (A suspected drunk driver caused extensive damage when she drove her SUV into an office building in North Vancouver, Tuesday afternoon. The driver subsequently panicked, reversed at high speed, hit a parked car and flipped her own vehicle on its side, said Const. Mansoor Sahak, North Vancouver RCMP spokesperson. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
cause extensive damageповлечь значительные повреждения (A suspected drunk driver caused extensive damage when she drove her SUV into an office building in North Vancouver, Tuesday afternoon. The driver subsequently panicked, reversed at high speed, hit a parked car and flipped her own vehicle on its side, said Const. Mansoor Sahak, North Vancouver RCMP spokesperson. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
cause extensive damageпричинить значительный ущерб (A suspected drunk driver caused extensive damage when she drove her SUV into an office building in North Vancouver, Tuesday afternoon. The driver subsequently panicked, reversed at high speed, hit a parked car and flipped her own vehicle on its side, said Const. Mansoor Sahak, North Vancouver RCMP spokesperson. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
cause of cancellationпричина сторнирования
cause of cancellationпричина списания (Наталья Шаврина)
causes of lossпричины убытков
causes of loss – broad formпричины ущерба – расширенная форма (полиса)
causes of loss – earthquake formпричины ущерба – форма "землетрясение"
causes of loss formsформы страхования "причины ущерба"
causes of loss – special formпричины ущерба – специальная форма (полиса)
causes of loss-basic formпричины ущерба – основная форма (полиса)
damage caused by radiationубытки от радиации (Наталья Шаврина)
per cause deductibleфраншиза при каждом страховом случае
per cause maximum limitлимит максимальный по каждой причине
specified causes of lossобозначенные причины ущерба
the original medical certificate of the cause of death or its notarized copyоригинал медицинского заключения о причине смерти или его нотариально заверенная копия (Пазенко Георгий)
unless caused by"если причиной не является:"
Unless caused byесли не вызвано (stranding, etc.; посадкой на мель и т.д.)