
Terms for subject Figurative containing cause | all forms | exact matches only
cause a dislocationизменить расклад (Ремедиос_П)
cause a rippleнагонять волну (Taras)
cause a sensationшуметь
cause a sensationнаделать шума
cause a sensationнаделать шума
cause eyes to rollвызывать сарказм (Ремедиос_П)
cause painпричинить боль (также inflict pain: I want you to suffer for the pain you've caused. • "Of her former husband she speaks with astonishing charity, considering the pain he inflicted." (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
cause ripplesнагонять волну (Please, try not to cause any more ripples Taras)
cause to hesitateпоколебать (pf of колебать)
cause to hesitateколебать (impf of поколебать)
cause to lose interest inраздружить
cause to waverпоколебать (pf of колебать)
cause to waverпоколебать
cause to waverколебать (impf of поколебать)
recruit to the causeпризвать под свои знамена (He tries to count, from blurred voices and shadows, how many heads Thello has recruited to the cause. Abysslooker)