
Terms for subject Agriculture containing cannon | all forms | exact matches only
air cannonзвуковая пушка (The Bird and Animal Cannon is a device which emits a sound similar to a gunshot. Originally designed to be used for repelling birds from crops, the Air Cannon can help keep fields clear of many animals including deer, cats and other foraging wildlife Ася Кудрявцева)
animal bird cannonзвуковая пушка (The Bird and Animal Cannon is a device which emits a sound similar to a gunshot. Originally designed to be used for repelling birds from crops, the Air Cannon can help keep fields clear of many animals including deer, cats and other foraging wildlifeАся Кудрявцева)
bird and animal cannonзвуковая пушка (The Bird and Animal Cannon is a device which emits a sound similar to a gunshot. Originally designed to be used for repelling birds from crops, the Air Cannon can help keep fields clear of many animals including deer, cats and other foraging wildlife. Ася Кудрявцева)
half cannon whiteбелая отметина по скакательный сустав
propane sound cannonзвуковая пушка (The Bird and Animal Cannon is a device which emits a sound similar to a gunshot. Originally designed to be used for repelling birds from crops, the Air Cannon can help keep fields clear of many animals including deer, cats and other foraging wildlife Ася Кудрявцева)
third cannon whiteбелая отметина по запястье