
Terms for subject Notarial practice containing Trust | all forms | exact matches only
account in trustсчёт открытый по доверенности в пользу другого лица (Yeldar Azanbayev)
accumulation trust-fondнакопления (Yeldar Azanbayev)
establish a trustоформить доверительное управление имуществом (The concern with the new tax-filing requirements is that they would also apply to what’s known as “bare trusts,” in which the trustee can only act at the direction of the beneficiary, with no independent powers or responsibility over the property. What’s tricky about bare trusts is that there is no requirement to sign paperwork to formally establish one or set out the parties’ intentions. (Globe and Mail) ART Vancouver)
Estate Trust Numberномер имущества, являющегося предметом доверительной собственности: (Johnny Bravo)
hand in trustпередать в доверительное управление (The government recently admitted that for a while it could not find a copy of the 1993 agreement under which the state's shares were handed in trust to the Gazprom board. VLZ_58)
hand over under trust managementпередать в доверительное управление (VLZ_58)
transfer to somebody for trust managementпередать в доверительное управление (VLZ_58; trust management это НЕ доверительное управление - trust management deals with how people or groups determine who or what to trust Farrukh2012)
trust territoryподопечная территория (UN trusteeship system)
The Virgin Islands Special Trust ActЗакон Виргинских островов о специальном трастовом фонде (Johnny Bravo)