
Terms for subject Welfare & Social Security containing Support | all forms | exact matches only
office of child support enforcementорган по взысканию алиментов на содержание ребёнка (DC)
social supportсоциальное обеспечение (wikipedia.org arturmoz)
subsistence supportматериальная помощь (для покрытия базовых потребностей: Subsistence support is £35 per week for food, toiletries, etc. • Accommodation and subsistence support is put in place by the Home Office for families and for some others who become destitute. 4uzhoj)
support enforcement officeорган по взысканию алиментов (DC)
support networkкруг поддержки (Incessant)
support workerсотрудник службы поддержки (ИВС)