
Terms for subject Communications containing Second | all forms | exact matches only
call attempts per secondпопытки установления соединения в секунду (CAPS)
calls per secondсоединений в секунду (Alex_Odeychuk)
continuous delay line tapped at T-second intervalsлиния задержки с отводами через интервалы длительностью Т-сек
dot-cycle per secondчисло элементарных посылок в секунду (бод)
gigabits per secondгигабит в секунду (Gbps)
million instructions per secondмиллион инструкций в секунду (MIPS)
second degree of precedenceвторая очередь
second generation mobileвторое поколение мобильной связи (GSM; 2G)
second group selectorвторой групповой искатель (ПГИ)
second line supportтехническая поддержка (консультантами общего профиля; First line support normally involves dealing with customers, clients or employees directly to resolve their issues. Normally the issues are fairly basic. Second line support should take over a support request once it has been established there is a problem with the supported "system" and it is not to do with user training, user environment, etc. Second line support will liaise with third line support for any highly technical issues. Second line support is usually the middle-man between first line and third line Third line support is a non-customer focused base of technical staff that will investigate and resolve problems. 4uzhoj)
second-order multiplexаппаратура цифрового группообразования второго порядка (equipment)
second precedenceвторая очередь (message precedence designation)
second-stage route switchмагистральный искатель второй ступени