
Terms for subject Religion containing First | all forms | exact matches only
come forth in the first resurrectionвоскреснуть в первое Воскресение
coming forth in the first resurrectionвоскресение в первое Воскресение
coming forth in the first resurrectionвоскресающий в первое Воскресение
erection of the first templeвоздвижение первого храма
First Book of Esdrasапокрифическая "Первая книга Ездры"
First Book of the KingsТретья книга Царств (Narrative and historical book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture)
first calledпервозванный
first causeпервопричина (The self-created ultimate source of all being)
First Church of Christ, ScientistЦерковь христианской науки
First Church of Christ, ScientistЦерковь Христа Всезнающего (The Mother Church of Christian Science, first established by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879, reestablished as an international organization by Eddy in 1892)
First Council of NicaeaПервый Никейский собор (semfromshire)
First CrusadeФранко-норманский крестовый поход
First CrusadeПервый крестовый поход (1096-1099, launched by the papacy, it aided the King of France and the great feudatories in preserving order and extending their authority)
First Dayдень первый (Sunday for Quakers)
First Epistle General of PeterПервое соборное послание св. апостола Петра (The first of the two New Testament writings attributed to the foremost of Jesus' 12 Apostles but perhaps written during the early 2nd century)
First Epistle of JohnПервое послание Иоанна
First Epistle of JohnПервое соборное послание св. апостола Иоанна Богослова (The first of the three New Testament writings, all composed sometime around AD 100 and traditionally attributed to John the Evangelist, son of Zebedee and disciple of Jesus)
First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the CorinthiansПервое послание к Коринфянам св. апостола Павла (First of two New Testament letters addressed from the apostle Paul to the Christian community that he had founded at Corinth, Greece)
First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the ThessaloniansПервое послание к Фессалоникийцам св. апостола Павла (First of the two New Testament letters written by Paul from Corinth, Greece, about AD 50 and addressed to the Christian community he had founded in Macedonia)
First Epistle of PeterПервое послание Петра
First Epistle to the CorithinasПервое послание к Коринфянам
First Epistle to the ThessaloniansПервое послание к Фессалоникийцам
first estateпервое бытие
first estateпервое сословие (The first of the traditional political estates, the clergy)
first fruitпервые плоды
first fruitначатки
first fruitsначатки
First Gospel of the Infancy of JesusАрабское евангелие детства (One of the narratives which describe the "hidden life" of Jesus in the 30 years before his public ministry began)
First Gospel of the Infancy of JesusАрабское благовествование о детстве Иисуса
First Letter of ClementПервое послание Климента к Коринфянам (One of the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, an official letter from the Roman to the Corinthian Church reflecting the more advanced state of a collegiate episcopate, with its shared authority among an assembly of bishops)
first martyrпервомученик
first martyr Stephenпервомученик Стефан
first meal after a fastрозговенье
first principleпервопричина (The self-created ultimate source of all being)
first principleпервооснова
First ReaderПервый чтец (A Christian Scientist chosen to conduct meetings for a specified time and to read aloud from the writings of Mary Baker Eddy)
first-thronedпервопрестольный (User)
First-Throned ChurchПервопрестольная церковь (User)
First Vatican CouncilПервый Ватиканский собор (1869-70, 20th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church)
first visionпервое видение
for the first time in Islamic historyвпервые в истории ислама (Alex_Odeychuk)
Nine First FridaysДевять первых пятниц (In the Roman Catholic Church, the special observance of the first Fridays in each of nine consecutive months)
our first parentsпрародители наши
St. Andrew the First CalledАндрей Первозванный
St. Andrew the First Calledсв. Андрей Первозванный
St. Andrew the First Calledапостол Андрей
the first meal after fastразговение (Сотофа)